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The sound of lapping waves echoed across the ship. And no, I'm not talking about the Thousand Sunny. Having departed from Sakuranbo not long ago, the Glorious Autumn glided through the tranquil waters, its prow slicing through the moonlit waves with a soft hiss.

Delving into its interior, the atmosphere shifts from the cool air of dusk to the warm embrace of wood and candlelight. The dark, oak paneled corridors reminisced about a bygone era of carpeted floors and eccentric myths, the walls adorned with maps, charts and valuable (most likely stolen) antiques. 

Despite all this, It's charm lies on the sprawling library located at the very heart of the vessel, shelves of ancient tomes and scrolls lining the walls, their delicate carvings oozing an air of mystique: a scholarly yet serene environment.

A large desk dominated the center of the room, papers and scrolls strewn about in organized chaos. The warm glow of a nearby lantern bathed the space in a gentle, golden light, creating a cozy haven amidst the vast ocean. Seated at the desk was a tall, dark-haired bloke, his eyes reflecting a quiet wisdom beyond his years.

He pored over a weathered map, tracing each route with his finger, brows furrowed in concentration. Just then, the sound of familiar, playful footsteps made him look up toward the blonde figure standing in the doorway.

"Xavier, Xavier!" she chirped, bouncing on her toes. "He's awake!"

"About time." A hint of amusement softened his expression. "Lead the way, honeybee."

The girl beamed at him, turning and skipping down the aisle. Her brother followed closely behind, his steps slightly more measured yet determined, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

Before long, they reached a spacious cabin with a door slightly ajar. Xavier stepped in quietly, his presence commanding yet gentle. Inside, a figure stirred on a large, comfortable bed, blankets shifting as he woke from his slumber. 

"What did you do this time?" The elder sighed heavily, leaning against the doorway. 

"I lost another bet. Happy now?"

"Eleazar, for the love of God. I know you have a tendency to get involved in these things, but barging into the New Marine's headquarters? Now that crosses a line."

"Don't be such an ass." The redhead scoffed. "Can't I have myself a little fun?"

"Fun? By jeopardizing everything we've worked for? Everything Hana has worked for?"

"Oi. Careful with who you mention there."

"Yeah, right. We all lost her, you know."

"Just— can you just stop losing your shit over my coping methods?"

"Ah, I see. Well, why don't you try, I don't know... helping with the chores, maybe?"

Their younger sister stifled a laugh. Eleazar scowled, shooting her a look.

"Shut the hell up, Honey."

"Okay. But he's kinda right, though."

"First of all, I never asked to be in this ship. I didn't even ask for your help."

The blonde's smile faltered as she stepped back, her gaze lowering to the ground. In response, Xavier glared at the redhead before retorting.

"But we helped you anyway, you know why?"  His jaw tightened. "Because that's what Hana taught us. To care for each other."

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