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Night fell over Alabasta, but the fuss was far from over. Townsfolk gave way to a flurry of guards and marines pursued the quarry, though it didn't take long for them to lose sight of them, all thanks to the sly prince they had on the lead. 

They slid into a dark, safe to say imperceptible alleyway, measuring their steps to avoid any sounds that could ease their detection. They stopped at a corner, breathless from running. 

"Tired." Junko collapsed against a wall. "I want a juice box."

"I agree with your friend." Shinji peeked from their hideout. "The good news is, I think we lost them."

"You think so?" Kuina scoffed. "Those bastards ain't as dumb as you think."

"There they are!!" Tashigi's voice reverberated across the silent pathways. "Get them!!"

"Gah! What do we do?!"  Panic began to take its toll on Junsui, who paced around uncontrollably. 

Shinji didn't hesitate and signaled for the crew to follow him outside the alleyway and towards the marketplace, which was still hectic undeterred by the late hour, all thanks to the prince's merrymakings, the dense crowd and the cacophony of voices providing perfect cover.

"Everyone, stay close. We're almost there." 

It had turned difficult for their persecutors to keep up with them. Junko turned around and blowed raspberries on their direction, evoking a small chuckle from Megumi. 

"Well done, my faithful disciple." She clapped a hand on her shoulder. "Those dorks need to be told twice that they're messing with the one and only Monkey D. Junko—"

"Excuse me... did you just say Monkey D.?" Shinji's face lit up with curiosity. 

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Like... Monkey D. Luffy? The strongest man in the world and current Pirate King—?

Before he could finish, a meteoric fist was aimed at his face, catching everyone off guard. It was Junko, whose jaw tightened and her body turned unusually tense.

"Junko-san! What was that for?!" Junsui's hands flew to his head, startled by the suddenness of her actions. 

Her fists clenched and unclenched, her voice cracking. "D-don't..."

"Was it something I said?" Shinji rubbed his cheek. "I didn't mean to—"

"Nah, don't worry. She gets a bit petty sometimes." Kuina rose to her feet, offering him a helping hand.

"You sure you can continue on your own from here?" He accepted the assistance, brushing some dust off his clothes. "You don't look very good."

"I'll live. C'mon, Junko." She dragged her along their path. 

"Oi, Junko. I'm sorry, okay?" Shinji carefully approached her. "I'll be more considerate next time." 

"Okay." Her breath evened and her semblance regained its neutrality. 

"Glad to hear that." He patted her head. "You don't talk much, do you?" 


"I see. Anyway, let's go. I smell the salt already."

"Please... don't even mention it..." Junsui gagged, remembering his previous experience at Ogawajima.

Concurrently, Tashigi steered her patrol, who had already located their target. The broad pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, her hand reaching for her sword's hilt as she stealthily approached them. Just then, her den-den-mushi began to ring, much to her dismay and for the crew's realization. 

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