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The morning sun poured through the thin curtains, casting a gentle, golden hue over the room. Soft beams illuminated the walls, filled with cherished memories captured in framed photographs of their adventures together.

Their bed was covered in a rumpled, soft white duvet that seemed to cradle them like a cloud. The redhead's eyes fluttered open, feeling the familiar weight of her husband's arm draped across her waist. 

His usually energetic features were softened in sleep, a stark contrast to their epoch filled with risks and thrill. She nestled closer to him, tracing the contours of his face with a tenderness that spoke volumes.

"I love you, Luffy." She cupped his cheek, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. 

A faint smile tugged at her lips, the tranquility of the moment almost surreal. Just as she reveled in the warmth of their shared space, the distant sound of a voice broke through the peaceful silence.

"Nami-san! Breakfast is ready!!"

The call shattered her dreamy bubble, abruptly yanking her back to reality. She looked around, the absence of Luffy's warm presence in the bed leaving an unmistakable void. A small frown crossed her features as she reluctantly pushed herself up.

After stretching for a bit, she headed to the kitchen, where the smell of freshly cooked food served as a comforting reminder of their daily life aboard the Sunny. Sanji's mouthwatering dishes were laid out on the table, Luffy gobbling them in with gusto. 

"Morning, Nami!"  His grin was infectious as he bounded over to his wife, pulling her into a tight hug. "You gotta try this, it's amazing!"

Sanji glanced over from the stove, his expression softening as he greeted her. "Good morning, Nami-san. I hope you're hungry."

"Starving." She sat on the table. "This looks amazing, Sanji."

"Ah, stop." He waved a hand in mock dismissal. "You're making me blush! It's denigrating to be flattered by a married woman." 

"Why? You love flirting with married women." Luffy mumbled, putting some more pancakes on his plate. "Oi, Nami! Pass me some syrup!"

"At least say please, you idiot."  She shook her head, handing him the bottle. "Here you go." 

As Luffy drizzled some syrup on his pancakes, Sanji took off his apron before proceeding to serve his own meal. 

"So, we're looking for Junko." The blond took a drag from his cigarette. "How do we know where to look?"

"Ask Luffy." Nami shrugged. "I suppose he has a plan."

"Of course I have a plan!" He smacked the table, crumbs sent flying from his mouth as he spoke. "We're gonna sail until we find her!!" 

"That's it?" Sanji's arched an eyebrow. "It could take years. Now that I think about it, there's no way in which we can be sure we'll find her."

Nami placed a hand on Luffy's arm. "Sanji's right. Maybe we should wait and see if there's any other information that could—"

"No, I won't." The raven-haired pouted defiantly. "I want to see her."

"Me too, but navigating aimlessly doesn't assure anything."

"But... what if she's lost? What if she needs our help?" 

"Luffy, look at me." She cupped his face, her gaze meeting his. "If Junko managed to survive all these years, I'm sure she's strong enough to hang on a little longer." 

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