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Society had never been kind to Seyeong, who was different from the norm. For as long as he could remember, he had felt a persistent confusion about his sexuality, a question mark that lingered in the shadows of his mind. It wasn't until he grew older that he finally discovered the truth: he was gay. Yet this realization brought him no relief, no joy. It was simply another burden to bear, another stepping stone on a path lined with obstacles. He knew all too well what his parents would say if they ever found out.

In the small, conservative town where he lived, being different was a dangerous thing. The whispers and stares of neighbors, the harsh judgments of classmates—these were the daily realities Seyeong had come to expect. His parents, deeply rooted in tradition and societal expectations, would never understand. They would see his sexuality as a failure, a blemish on their family's honor. The thought of their disappointment and anger weighed heavily on him, a constant reminder of the precarious tightrope he walked.

 The thought of their disappointment and anger weighed heavily on him, a constant reminder of the precarious tightrope he walked

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Han Seyeong

"Is this how you repay us, Seyeong?!" A plate hurtled towards him as he finally mustered the courage to reveal his truth to his parents.

"But mom..." Seyeong's voice wavered, his heart heavy with the weight of his confession. "This time, I know I can finally accept myself."

"You brat!" His mother's voice crackled with fury as she seized his hair in a vice-like grip. Seyeong winced, but the pain was a familiar companion, dulled by years of emotional turmoil. "Ever since you were a child, all your father and I wanted was for you to be happy. But being gay?! What will society say about us?! For raising a gay son! What will our relatives say? You're a disappointment!"

Seyeong sighed, the sound heavy with resignation. Numbness crept over him, wrapping him in a cocoon of detachment as the world around him blurred into insignificance, the ringing in his ears drowning out the cacophony of his parents' anger.

"Fuck! Fine! I know you won't accept me!" Seyeong's voice echoed with defiance as he broke free from his mother's grasp. "But I refuse to keep pretending to be someone I'm not! I'm serious about this, Mom!"

"Seyeong! Enough!" His father's voice cut through the tension, his eyes filled with a mixture of disappointment and disgust. "We've had enough. If you won't heed our advice, then consider yourself no longer a part of this family."

"What?" Seyeong's shock was palpable, his world crumbling around him.

"From now on, don't consider us your parents anymore. Pack your things and get out of here!" His father's words were like a dagger to his heart, severing the ties that bound them together.

Those were chapters of his life that Seyeong wished he could erase from memory. At just seventeen, he made the painful decision to distance himself from his parents, seeking refuge in the anonymity of hard work and self-reliance.

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