Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

The Archduke's manor took on an even more foreboding air as heavy rain pounded against the windows, turning the already somber estate into a scene of eerie desolation. The skies, once a dull gray, now unleashed a torrent that soaked the earth and sent the servants scurrying from the gardens. They hurried indoors, drenched and shivering, while Arnoux stood by one of the tall, arched windows, watching them through the rain-streaked glass. He was lost in thought, his mind adrift as the relentless downpour mirrored the unease building within him.

"Goodness, why did it suddenly start raining like this?" he heard one of the maids exclaim, her voice tinged with worry.

"Is there a storm coming?" her companion responded, glancing nervously at the darkened sky.

"I hope not," another maid added, her tone betraying her apprehension as they huddled together for warmth.

Arnoux was pulled from his reverie by the soft, measured voice of the butler. "Your Highness," the man said, bowing slightly as he approached. "I shall escort you to your room for the night."

Arnoux nodded, his gaze lingering on the rain outside for a moment longer before he turned to follow the butler. "Where is Archduke Delise?" he inquired, noticing the absence of his host, who had been in the guest room just moments before.

"I apologize, Your Highness," the butler replied, lowering his voice out of respect. "The Archduke is a very busy man. He has returned to his study to attend to some urgent paperwork."

"I see," Arnoux said, a faint smile touching his lips. "No need to apologize. It is I who was making an inconvenience by paying the archduke a visit.."

The butler returned the smile with one of his own, though it was tinged with the practiced politeness of a seasoned servant. "This way, Your Highness," he said, gesturing for Arnoux to follow him.

They walked together through the long, dimly lit hallways of the manor, the flickering candlelight casting shadows that danced on the walls. The atmosphere was thick with the scent of rain and damp earth, seeping in through the cracks and crevices of the old stone walls. As they progressed deeper into the manor, Arnoux's attention was drawn to a series of peculiar statues lining the corridor.

The sculptures were arresting, each one depicting the upper half of a woman's body emerging from an ornate jar. The craftsmanship was exquisite, every detail rendered with meticulous care, from the delicate curve of the figures' necks to the intricate patterns etched into the jars. Yet there was something unsettling about them. The expressions on the women's faces were somewhat entranced, their eyes hollow and vacant, as though they were trapped within the stone itself. The image of beauty and despair sent a shiver down Arnoux's spine.

He paused before one of the statues, his fingers tracing the cold, smooth surface of the jar. There was a dark elegance to the artwork, a macabre beauty that both intrigued and disturbed him. The symbolism was clear—these women, once alive, were now imprisoned in time, their souls perhaps trapped within the very stone that immortalized them.

"These statues," Arnoux murmured, more to himself than to the butler. "They are quite... unique."

"Is something the matter, Your Highness?" the butler inquired, his voice gentle yet probing, as if he could sense the unease in Arnoux's demeanor.

"Nothing," Arnoux replied, shaking his head slightly as he forced a reassuring smile. His mind was still preoccupied with the unsettling statues, but he chose not to dwell on them any longer.

ARNOUX | The Green Eyed Swordsman (Continent Mythosia Series 2)Where stories live. Discover now