Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Perhaps due to sheer exhaustion from the previous day's work, Arnoux woke later than usual. Typically, he rose at dawn to tackle the endless stream of paperwork awaiting his attention. However, this morning, the sunlight had already begun to filter through the curtains of his chamber, casting a soft glow across the room. There was no sign of Athian, whose whereabouts, as usual, were a mystery.

His dark lashes fluttered gently as he slowly opened his eyes, his gaze lingering on the intricate patterns carved into the high ceiling above him—a familiar, comforting sight. Arnoux let out a quiet sigh and sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, before swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He rose to his feet with a stretch, heading straight to the bathroom, his steps silent on the polished marble floor.

Reaching the basin, Arnoux splashed his face with the warm water waiting in the finely crafted porcelain bowl. The water refreshed him, bringing a sense of clarity to his otherwise sluggish state. On the marble countertop, he picked up a small, silver bell, its surface glinting in the soft morning light. The delicate chime echoed faintly through the hall as he gave it a gentle ring.

Moments later, a soft knock came at the door, followed by the familiar voice of a woman. "Good morning, Prince Arnoux."

"Come in," Arnoux replied, his voice still touched with the remnants of sleep, but carrying his usual composure.

The door opened with a soft creak, and Arnoux heard the quiet footsteps of the maid approaching. She was punctual, as always. A few seconds passed before the bathroom door was gently pushed open. A young maid stood at the threshold, her head bowed respectfully, a pristine white towel draped neatly over her arm. She was careful in her movements, showing the deference appropriate to her station.

"I am here to assist you, Your Highness," she said in a polite, steady tone, her eyes remaining lowered as she awaited his instruction.

"Please prepare me something casual," Arnoux said, his gaze fixed on his reflection in the mirror. His eyes traced the contours of his face, noting the slight weariness in his expression—a product of late nights and early mornings spent buried in state affairs.

The young maid, standing dutifully by his side, responded quickly. "How about your breakfast, Your Highness?"

"I'd prefer something light," he replied after a brief pause. "Sweet tea and cookies will suffice."

"As you wish." She bowed, and without delay, began to assist him in changing his clothes. Her hands moved with practiced efficiency, laying out a simple, yet finely tailored set of garments. Arnoux appreciated the ease and quietness of the routine—it allowed his thoughts to remain focused elsewhere, namely on the tasks awaiting him for the day.

Once Arnoux was dressed in a casual outfit of deep forest-green tunic and black trousers, the maid left the room, only to return shortly after with a silver tray in hand. The delicate clink of porcelain echoed through the room as she set down a tea set and a plate of assorted cookies on the small table by the balcony. Outside, a soft breeze rustled the curtains, bringing with it the faint scent of autumn leaves.

Arnoux was already seated at the table, quill in hand, scribbling on a parchment when the maid returned. His brows furrowed in concentration as his hand moved swiftly, lines of ink trailing behind in neat, meticulous script.

"Do you require further assistance, Your Highness?" the maid asked, her voice gentle but professional.

Without looking up from his writing, Arnoux paused for a moment as though considering her offer. "Did my uncle and cousin return from the northern demon beast expedition?" he inquired.

ARNOUX | The Green Eyed Swordsman (Continent Mythosia Series 2)Where stories live. Discover now