Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Arnoux slowly opened his eyes when he felt the carriage come to a halt. He blinked a few times, adjusting to the dim light filtering through the small window. His gaze dropped, and his expression soured as he noticed Athian, slumped in the chair opposite him, sleeping soundly with a serene look on his face—like a princess undisturbed by the world's troubles. Arnoux’s lip curled in annoyance, his thoughts interrupted by the sound of Rishar’s voice calling from outside.

"Your Highnesses, we've arrived," Rishar announced with the formal tone he reserved for such occasions.

Arnoux scowled as he leaned over and shook Athian's shoulders, more forcefully than necessary. "Athian, wake up. We're back at the manor."

Athian stirred, blinking groggily as he struggled to orient himself. "The... What?" His voice was thick with sleep, his eyes darting around the carriage in confusion. As his surroundings gradually became familiar, the fog in his mind lifted. Just as he started to piece things together, Arnoux's palm landed firmly on his head.

"You idiot," Arnoux hissed, his voice tinged with frustration. "I can't believe you told Grandfather that you like men!"

Athian winced, rubbing the spot where Arnoux’s hand had made contact. His wide eyes softened, and he adopted an expression of sincere remorse, almost like a child caught in the act. "Sorry, Aurie," he said in a pleading tone, using the childhood nickname that usually softened his brother's temper. "It was just a slip of the tongue! And didn’t you hear what Father said? He said he doesn’t mind! Isn’t that the same as accepting us?"

Arnoux's frown deepened, his brows knitting together in exasperation. "What us?" he retorted, his voice sharp, as if he could cut down Athian’s teasing with sheer will.

Athian tilted his head, an impish grin slowly spreading across his face as the teasing spark returned to his eyes. "What? Don't tell me you've turned over a new leaf? I still see you getting along just fine with women, but you tense up around men."

Arnoux shot him a glare as he opened the carriage door and stepped out, trying to maintain his composure. "I don’t know what you’re talking about," he muttered, hoping to end the conversation there.

But Athian wasn’t done. He slipped out of the carriage after Arnoux, still grinning like a mischievous cat. "How about following my lead, Aurie? You should start dating now! We’re already old enough, aren’t we?" His voice lowered to a whisper as he leaned closer, his breath warm against Arnoux's ear. "In this world, at least."

Arnoux sighed, brushing off Athian's persistent prodding. "I have other matters to attend to," he replied, his voice firm. "I don’t have time for such trivialities."

Athian simply shrugged and fell in line behind his brother, following him into the grand entrance of the manor. The tension in their bodies began to ease as they passed through the heavy doors. Arnoux’s sharp gaze immediately landed on the head maid, who was bowing low in greeting, flanked by three other maids in perfect formation. "Welcome back, Your Highnesses."

"Prepare a bath for both of us," Arnoux instructed as he handed his cloak to a young maid, her hands trembling slightly under the weight of the fine fabric. "We dined at Seymour County, so we’ll be heading straight to bed."

ARNOUX | The Green Eyed Swordsman (Continent Mythosia Series 2)Where stories live. Discover now