London calling......

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It was finally time for ShubSara's escape to London. So, Shubman was to fly from Mumbai with his friends, Jugnu and Raghav. Meanwhile, Sara was going directly from Jaipur and also, it was good way to avoid any gossip about their personal lives. Shubman's flight was set to arrive a few hours earlier than Sara's. Before going to Jaipur, Sara had asked Shubman to pack few of her stuffs as well because she wasn't able to take everything with her. Shubman was on it. He was done with his packing but he hasn't received Sara's bags which was to be sent by her from her place. Shubman had his flight in the next 3-4 hours and so he was kind of in a rush. So he called Sara asking about her bags.

Shubman: Sara? Where are the bags? They still haven't come. I need to pack and then leave.

Sara: I promise, it's on its way. It'll be there any minute.

Shubman: Why didn't you send your bags earlier?

Sara: I asked them to, I don't know what they're up to.

Shubman (sighs): Okay, fine.

The doorbell rings.

Shubman: I think they're here.

Sara: Go, get them!

Shubman gets the bag.

Shubman: There's one whole bag.

Sara: Yeah, take it with you.

Shubman: Let me just see if I can fit it all in my bag. It still has some space.

Sara: No, you really don't need to, because trust me, this won't fit. It's a bit too much.

Shubman: Let me try. It'll be fine.

Sara: You're just putting yourself in trouble, I'm telling you.

Shubman: No baby, it's fine. Let me try.

Shubman opens the bag and widens his eyes in shock.

Shubman: Do you mean these many clothes? Like, seriously?

Sara: Come on, Shub!!! You know winter clothing takes up space.

Shubman (picks up some clothes and outfits): But seriously, do you want me to pack all these?

Sara: Yes, I do. You won't get it. It's a girly thing. We need to pack extra just in case of emergency.

Shubman: What kind of emergency are you going to get into? Please elaborate.

Sara: Now you've so much of time to waste on arguing with me. Huh?

Shubman (sighs again): You have so many clothes, I swear.

Sara: Oh please, you have more things. You're the over-packer, not me!!

Shubman: I am not an over-packer!

Sara: Yeah ofcourse, you don't need to over-pack because you can always borrow stuff from your friends.

Shubman: I don't borrow. We try to reduce each other's load by sharing the fits.

Sara: Yeah whatever. But who will share outfits with me? I'm not going with any friends of mine. I'm going with you guys. Whose outfits will I wear?

Shubman: Mine!!! You can wear mine!!!

Sara: Do you want me to swim in your clothes?

Shubman: You'll look so cute, baby!! I can imagine!!

Sara: Shut up and just pack!

Shubman finally manages to fit everything in his luggage.

Shubman: There, done!

Sara: I can't believe you actually fit it all in your bag.

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