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She first began having dreams about that woman when she was twelve. At first, it was just her silhouette, but every day, it became more and more obvious. It was first her eyes, then her lovely, luscious lips, and after a few days she could make her face, very clearly.

The older woman in her dreams was usually crossing her arms when speaking to someone and hardly ever smiled. However, she would grin, smirk, and display feelings that she had never displayed to anyone when she glanced in the younger girl's direction.
The younger girl used to cling to her, prod her neck, and do other things to her that were too advanced for the youngster to understand at the time. But at least she sensed that the woman was very important to her. With a smile, the older woman would say,

"You are so naughty, Neung."

The younger woman would give the older one a perplexed look. Who is Neung? Yoko Apasra was her name.

She would clutch and awaken with a racing heartbeat and headache. In her dreams, that person called her "Neung," and she shared the younger girl's nickname.

She grabbed the water bottle off the nightstand as she climbed out of bed. She still had time to get ready for school because it was still dark outside. Now sixteen, she was in her first year of high school. She had been seeing that woman in her dreams for the past four years.

She proceeded to her desk, where an open diary was waiting for her. She had recorded all of the dreams in which she saw that woman for the last four years. Once more, she gained new information today. She had called the woman "ArNeung," and that woman had called her "Neung."

The young person felt confident that she could create a dramatic novel about it based on all the information she had learned. Whatever the identity of the woman in her dream, she was undoubtedly very important to her, and their relationship was certainly inappropriate.
Occasionally, Yoko would dream sensually of the two of them becoming messy together. Her face would blush and her heart would want to burst from her chest as soon as she woke up.

'No shit she always called me naughty in my dreams. To think I'd have those sadomasochistic preferences.'- She would rub her temples and sigh.

She was glancing at her diary now, crossing her arms as she was lost in concentration.

'Who in the world are you? Why am I so hooked when I never even saw you? I don't even know if you really exist or not.'
Like a ghost, an array of questions plagued her thoughts. She considered searching the internet for that woman. But because she had no solid lead, how was she meant to find her? The pounding in her head made her decide not to think about it more. She fell asleep once again.


Neko, Yoko's older sister, woke her up for school an hour later. This year, Neko, who was eighteen, was a senior in high school. Yoko eventually got up to prepare, even though she had been whining a lot. Despite appearing composed, her thoughts were racing with thoughts of the older woman.

"I may be running late today, Yoko. I've given Neko some cash. Order something for dinner."-Yoko's mum mentioned this as Yoko was heading downstairs for breakfast.

"Don't worry about it Mum, we'll be fine."-Yoko grinned in response. Her mother was a single parent. When Yoko was just five years old, they relocated to Canada from Thailand. Before their mother acquired a job at a small company, they had a difficult time making ends meet. As the business expanded, Yoko's mother was promoted to a more senior role despite the relatively low pay at first. For the corporation, she was now indispensable. In the end, all went smoothly.

"And honey, are you sure you don't wanna go to Thailand to meet your grandparents?"

Looking as if she had lost interest in the topic, Yoko shook her head and started eating her french toast.

Echoes Of A Past Love [FayeYoko Soulmate AU] GxGWhere stories live. Discover now