Prologue 2

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"Pssst" A certain dirty blonde haired girl whispered in a sleeping Yoko's ears. She shivered and abruptly opened her eyes.

"The plane has landed. Wakey wakey."

Yoko groggily looked at Niwirin and yawned.

"I told you to stop doing that."

"Why? It turns you on?" Niwirin smirked. Yoko gave a disgusting look and flicked her head.

"Let's go." Yoko took her things and proceeded to get out of the business class as Niwirin followed.

Yoko was 21 now and fresh out of university. A lot of crazy things happened in the last 5 years. Yoko only had one goal, to be worthy of Faye, for her to notice her. And the best way to do that is to actually become as famous as Faye, so that she couldn't help but to look at Yoko.

5 years ago Yoko opened a YouTube channel and started uploading short vlogs. It did not go well as Yoko thought. She got tons of comments like her videos were boring and all but like Yoko gave one shit about them. Yoko followed the trend and started food vlogs instead.

One day, when she was listening to the woman of her dreams, aka Faye's song, she suddenly wanted to sing with her. So she practiced and also started uploading Thai song covers to gain a Thailand fan base and maybe get a chance to actually sing with Faye one day. And it did the trick and Yoko couldn't be more happy. She had gained over 200k subscribers in YT and 110k followers on Instagram and Tik Tok in just 2 years. Her goal was to get as much as attention she could get from the social media. Even though it wasn't much, it was going somewhere.

Another thing that made Yoko very interesting in front of the screen was that whenever she'd go live, people would ask about why she had chosen to become a content creator, she'd say-

"I want to make a certain famous person my wife. So it won't look good if I don't match her fame you know."- She would cheekily declare in front of the world. Other than the name, she never kept anything secret about her goal for this journey from her viewers.

Niwirin stayed by her side for the past 5 years and supported her through all her hardships. The problem came when Yoko was in her 3rd year of highschool. She found out Faye was dating someone back in Thailand. She wanted to throw all her work away but Niwirin kept her sane and Yoko somehow managed to graduate highschool. Before starting University in Canada, she compiled everything she wrote in her diary and wrote a novel and named it 'Blank: Fill The Blank With The Word Love'.

By Niwirin's help and her work contacts, she published it in Canada anonymously but fate was not with her in this plan. She miserably failed as it became a flop.

"Why don't you try publishing it in Thai?"

That's what her sister, Neko said. Yoko had lost too much money by then so she planned on publishing her book on one of the Thailand's famous sites for digital novels under an unknown author's name. Since LGBTQ books were being pretty popular in Thailand that time, Yoko hit the jackpot as her book became popular.

It was in her last year that she started doing concerts and started getting brand deals from Thailand, so Niwirin became her full-time manager. By then she had gained over 3 million subscribers on YouTube.

That typical nobody Yoko was now a content creator, singer and a writer. She was now somebody Faye should give at least one shit about.

But the thing was not only Yoko worked hard, Faye achieved a lot of things in the last 5 years too. She became the Miss Grand Thailand and Miss Grand International 1st runner up 2 years in a row and finally became the Miss Grand International on her 3rd try. Yoko jumped while literally crying her eyes out as she watched the show then. Faye then officially debuted as a singer and also opened her own salon named "Amor Boutique Salon" on her 4th year. Success was always running after her.

At present, Yoko was waiting on the Bangkok airport's VIP lounge for their ride to arrive.

"Irin, can you read out the schedule for me?"

" have a book signing event tomorrow then a couple of photoshoots the day after with the woman you're so horny about." Niwirin plainly said while looking at the tablet.

"If I knew being your manager would include of me reading the schedule for a thousand of times, I'd rather have stayed in my small shop." Niwirin deadpanned.

Yoko did not hear but only day dreamt cause she finally hit a combined photoshoot for a brand that Faye was working with. She'll finally see Faye, her soulmate, the woman who had done so many naughty things to her in her dream-

"Our ride is here, let's go."

Yoko squealed and excitedly exited the airport with Niwirin following her.


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