Chapter 8

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"I'm sorry but you can't go in." The staff said.

Faye and her manager were standing outside of the back stage room. The event was over but there were still fans outside waiting for the author to depart. The petite did certainly bombed her fans with the sudden face reveal.

"But we've got the pass to meet her." Faye's manager Nida crossed her arms and showed the writings from the author on the book. But the staff just shook her head. The writings looked too informal for the author to write to a mare fan. Faye understood it just fine as fans tend to form excuses like this to illegally meet their idols.

"Plus, the author did not have any plans like meeting a fan after the event on her schedule." The staff politely said. So was this all unplanned? But somehow the author knew Faye Malisorn was here. Faye couldn't shrug off the feeling that it wasn't just a mare coincidence. As Nida was about to argue further Faye stopped her and spoke herself.

"I completely understand your point. But we'd like to request you to hand over this to her." Faye took the book from Nida's hand and handed it to the staff. The staff looked at the tall woman with the mask and blushed at her voice.

"I don't think that will be needed anymore." A tom woman came out of nowhere and took the book from the staffs hand as she handed it back to Faye. She then turned to the staff again.

"You can excuse yourself, I'll handle it." The woman had short dirty blond hair. She was wearing a round glass and a formal suit. She was definitely very pretty. After the staff left, the pretty woman turned to Faye and smiled apologetically.

"I apologize for the inconvenience, Khun Faye. I'm Niwirin, Miss Apasra's manager." Niwirin offered her hand for a handshake. Faye being a Thai was not used to such foreign gesture, so instead she performed a Wai. Feeling awkward Niwirin immediately took her hand back and also performed a Wai. It was understood that even though Niwirin was a Thai, being in a foreign country had changed some of her etiquette. Well, that's what Faye thought but she did not know that Niwirin just wanted to have a peak inside Faye.

"Our boss is pretty impulsive. She didn't give us a previous notice about your visit. I apologize again." Niwirin performed another Wai and bowed a little this time. Faye was pretty surprised about the manager's straight forwardness.

"No. It's quiet okay."

"Actually Miss Apasra is waiting inside. Me and your manager will wait outside." Niwirn smiled and gestured Faye to go. Even though Nida wanted to meet the author as well, in the name of being faye's manager but Niwirin had to make Yoko's path clear cause that's what she was ordered.

The tall handsome woman nodded at the petite's manager and softly knocked on the door before pushing it open.

Inside sat a woman on the dressing table, while crossing her legs. She tilted her head as a smirk hovered on her lips. Her eyes held a smoldering gaze as it checked Faye out. The young woman did not do anything but Faye almost felt the informal atmosphere around her.

"Took you long enough." The woman whispered. Faye did hear it but acted as if she didn't.

The petite got down from the dressing table and approached the tall woman.

"Swadee Kha P'Faye. Told ya, we'll talk later and here we are." Yoko Apasra calmly said. Faye's eyes widen in surprise that the petite woman was not trying to hide anything as if she wanted Faye to know that the mysterious girl in black from last night was her.


"Take a seat, please." Yoko suddenly changed her voice from sly to politeness as she gestured her to have a seat on the sofa. Faye sighed and did as she was told. On the other hand, Yoko locked the door.

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