Chapter 6

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"Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr Kiet." Niwirin apologied.

"No, it's quiet okay. And please call me Kiet." He smiled.

The three sat down. They were in the hotel's conference room discussing about Yoko's further plans.

"Okay so Miss Apasra, let me give you a brief about your team."

"Please call me Yoko. You're older than me." Yoko smiled as the man nodded.

"Okay so, I've hired a personal lawyer, vocal coach, make up artist, an editor, a driver, a business manager and some body guards for you. If you like you can hire specialists from other fields as well like a personal cook, music agents etc. But for now, we've prepared the basic things when entering this industry."

Yoko carefully listened.

"I'd also like to suggest you hire another manager. I know you already have Miss Niwirin but since you'll be working in various field's like an author, content creator, a singer and a model soon, I'd say it might be difficult for one person."

"Hmm I'll think about it."

"And If you have any further plans in the future, please feel free to let me know. I'll try to make preparations as soon as possible." Kiet enthusiastically said. Yoko was actually very greatful to this man. He was the one who managed the deal with the perfume brand Faye was working with.

"Thank you very much. I'm pleasured to be able to work with you." Yoko cooed at him.

"And since, we're already in this topic. I've got a plan regarding today's book signing event." Yoko smiled as she winked at Niwirin who shoot a confused look at her.

"I'd like to do a face reveal at today's event."

Kiet and Niwirin looked at Yoko thoughtfully and also curious as to why the young artist suddenly wanted to reveal herself as the author.

"I mean it has already been 2 years since I published Blank. And if you think about it, if I do a face reveal today, my readers would get to know the Yoko Apasra from other fields as well as my fans from other fields would be curious about the book I've written. I'd say it can work as a boost."

"But isn't it too sudden? Don't we need to make some preparations for that?"

"No, I think it would actually be a good idea."-Niwirin said. Of course she'll think that.

"Plus, I don't think we'll need any extra preparations. I'll just sign books and then reveal my face
during the discussion in the end."- Yoko said with a grin.

"Okay if that's what you want. But I'll prepare some extra security just in case." Kiet then handed a page to Niwirin.

"It has all the contact information in it."

Niwirin nodded.

The three discussed more before finally getting up to go to the venue where Yoko would be having her author's event in.

It was just half an hour drive from their hotel. Yoko was dressed in a formal wearing including a black pant, a white shirt tucked in and a white high heel. As their car got closer to the venue, Yoko could already see a lot of people waiting in the queue. People looked excited as some even jumped while talking to each other on the line. The most funny thing was some fans wore custom Blank shirts and some even had dirty quotes written on them which were taken from the blank novel. Yoko chuckled seeing that.

"Why're you laughing?" Niwirin asked, curiously.

"Some fans had naughty lines from my book written on their shirts." Yoko now laughed a little louder.

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