Chapter 4

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When the strange girl in all black noticed that Faye's manager, bodyguard, and receptionist were approaching her, she just bolted away from there. The girl was about to confess in a serious manner when she took a huge leap and fled with her small legs. Faye almost thought it was amusing and cute as curiosity peaked inside her mind. The young girl was chased by her bodyguard while Nida, her manager, turned around to face Faye on stage.

"Some girl sneaked in your fan meet up, Khun Faye." Nida whispered in Faye's ear.

"That girl in black, I suppose?" Faye whispered back as Nida nodded at her.

Faye thought about it a little. The girl definitely did not look suspicious to her nor looked harmful. In fact, the girl was rather cute. She looked calm and composed when talking to Faye, not like other crazy fans who screamed at everything Faye said. Don't get her wrong, she loved her fans. But she felt a sudden excitement in this case. Probably because it was the first time that a fan had ever managed to sneaked into her event. The girl probably would have to face a big fine settlement if Faye decided to place charges.

"Nida, for now investigate the security management. The girl looked harmless anyways, we'll deal with her later." Faye commanded.

"Yes Khun Faye." With that her manager left to do her job not before assigning two guards with her.

Murmurs were heard from the crowd. Faye took the mic and cleared her throat to get the audience's attention back.

"So that was the end of the QnA session. The further updates about my future works would be published soon on my social accounts. So stay tuned for those. Thank you for supporting me. I really love you guys." Faye warmly said to her fans.

The anchor who was previously sitting on his chair awkwardly also picked up his mic.

"Okay, ladies and gents, let's applause for our beautiful Faye Malisorn!!"

Of course the crowd again erupted in cheers as if a scene was not made here just some minutes ago.


Yoko somehow managed to squeeze through two big guards at the exit, what can she say, perks of having a small build. As she ran out, into the busy street of Bangkok, it was getting hard for her to breath through the mask. But of course, thank god, for it was crowded today as she mixed in with them.

Suddenly the phone on her hands vibrated indicating a call. It was Niwirin.


"Tell me you did not get caught!"

Yoko gaped as she heard those words. She did not tell her manager about this little stunt of hers, so how did she know?

"No. I didn't but how did-

"I just parked in a narrow lane beside Bangkok New market in a black sedan. Get your ass right here now!"

"But how did-

"Yoko Apasra Lertpresert, it'll take highest 10 minutes for me to get a parking ticket here! You coming or what?!" Niwirin yelled and huffed at her friend.

"Oh my god bitch! Why u being so rude!" Yoko yelled back at her phone before bolting towards the said location. She thanked god as she was just close to Bangkok New market.

"Girl, stop yelling back and start running!"

"Are you deaf?! Can't you hear my panting?! I am freaking running!!" Yoko yelled at her phone. As she passed through people, they gave her weird looks as if she was crazy, yelling like that on her phone.

Echoes Of A Past Love [FayeYoko Soulmate AU] GxGWhere stories live. Discover now