chapter 5

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The next day, when Yoko woke up in the morning, she immediately logged into her social accounts. Two topics were on trend right then in Thailand. One was very obvious. It was about a mysterious masked girl sneaking in Faye Malisorn's event the previous night. She even saw a video of herself from last night when she was declaring herself as Faye's best candidate for a partner. Oh yeah she almost forgot that fans record literally everything. The 2nd thing really shocked her as because her account was tagged by a lot of users in that certain post. There was a photo of her and Niwirin inside their sedan car, waiting in the red light, from also the night before. Some fan captured it.

Now suddenly Yoko regretted removing her mask in the car last night. It was partly her fault too as she didn't even check if the car glasses were tainted or not.

The photo's caption was: The new rising star, Yoko Apasra was spotted in Bangkok, Thailand last night at around 9 PM whereas she should've been in Canada. The young celebrity did tell her Thai fans that she had a surprise coming for them. Perhaps it was this?

The post was retweeted in twitter countless times as fans tried to investigate about her sudden arrival in Thailand. Some fans even gave theories maybe Yoko was here to meet her celeb wife. Some were saying other things. At these rate maybe fans won't have any problem to connect 2 and 2 and relate it to Faye's event.

One thing Yoko has learned in her journey of becoming a content creator is that, you should never underestimate fans. They can be great detectives. Maybe too great, at times. Or Yoko might just get away with it. Not like she cared about the world knowing how she got to meet her love for the second time in her life. She was chill unlike a certain short haired girl.

"Yoko, you have to post something or make some announcements to advert the attention from that photo."-Niwirin seriously said as she crossed her arms. They were currently having breakfast in Niwirin's room because Niwirin insisted.

"Irin just chill. You're more worked up than I am." Yoko chuckled as she ate.

"Yoko, what if they find out that you sneaked inside P'Faye's concert?!"

"Chillll the world is not that round."

Irin rolled her eyes.

"You might have to pay a fine."

"No worries about that, I'm pretty sure I'm rich enough to handle that."
Even though Yoko was talking, her thoughts were mindlessly roaming all around Faye.

"Babe, that's not the point. Come to the real world. Your fans might get disappointed, you might get hate for sneaking in."

Yoko sighed and took Niwirin's hand in her own.

"Please don't worry about it Irin. I completely understand your point. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"I don't know. Do something legal-crazy-shit, so the attention could turn into that, just in case."

Yoko laughed at the phase legal-crazy-shit.

"Fine. I'll think about it."

"Now, finish eating quickly. We've to meet Mr Kiet in 20 minutes."

"Gotcha." Yoko gave a thumps up meanwhile she really really thought if she was the employer or the employee. Well who cares? As long as she got what she wanted, it's okay.

*Brrr Brr*

Yoko's phone vibrated. When she checked, her eyes rolled on it's own.

"Who's it?"

"Those wanna be families."

Yoko's dad's side of the family has been calling since morning after the viral photo of herself but Yoko deliberately avoided them.

Echoes Of A Past Love [FayeYoko Soulmate AU] GxGWhere stories live. Discover now