Chapter 1

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After an hour they reached their hotel which Yoko's agent booked. Yoko got out of the car, still in trance. The excitement of working with Faye made her heart leap out of her chest. Other than that, she was actually physically exhausted. It was 4 in the afternoon in Bangkok but 3 in the morning in Canada. Niwirin was also yawning beside her. Even though Yoko did get some sleep on the plane, Niwirin was awake almost all the time and planned a schedule for her. While the driver took out their luggages, Yoko saw a man walking towards them. The man performed a Wai as the two women also did the same.

"Sawadee Kha. I'm Phanumas Kiet. I hope you didn't have any trouble on the way, did you?"- The man politely said. He was almost the same height as Niwirin and had long black hair which was tied neatly. He wore a maroon suit. It looked like the man was probably in his mid thirties.

"Ah Mr Kiet. No, the journey was okay, we're just a little tired."- Niwirin said. The man then turned to Yoko.

"You must be Miss Apasra. I'm your agent while you're in Thailand. We talked on the phone remember?"

"Yes, I do. Nice to meet you Mr Kiet." Yoko smiled. The man chuckled.

"Oh just Kiet is fine Miss. I'm really sorry that I couldn't get you an apartment today. Please bear with the hotel for tonight as your apartment will be ready tomorrow."

"Thank you for your hard work."

Kiet then guided them inside the hotel and handed them their room keys. Yoko couldn't wait to go to her room and jump on the bed, her body was craving the hotel's soft mattress.

"We'll have a meeting at 9 tomorrow morning before you leave for your scheduled event. For today, have a good rest Miss." Kiet smiled.

"Oh and um." He hesitated but Yoko gave him a reassuring smile which made him continue.

"Can I get a photo? My daughter is a big fan of your work." The man shyly said. Niwirin wanted to decline on behalf of Yoko as she knew her hamster like friend was probably tired but Yoko stopped her in time.

"Sure. What's her name?"


Yoko then took Kiet's phone and started to record a video.

"Hello Minaaa. It's Yoko! I heard from your dad that you were my fan. Just wanna say hi and hope you're doing good. Thanks for your support, sweety. Love you!" Yoko enthusiastically waved a bye and ended the video.

Kiet was more than greatful to Yoko. The man was suddenly filled with envy for the young artist. He had worked with a lot of artists and Yoko was surely one of the kind ones.

After that encounter both party bid their goodbyes and Kiet left. When Yoko and Niwirin were in the elevator the tall one broke the silence.

"You're too kind for your own good. What if he was lying about his daughter being your fan." Niwirin crossed her arms.

"Did you look at Kiet's face when he was talking about his daughter? He was like a proud father." Yoko said. Other than that Yoko actually had a soft spot for good responsible fathers.

"Yeah I get it but now that you're famous, you should be careful about these things."

"That's why I have you Irin." Yoko cutely said and clung onto her best friend. It was now Niwirin's time to give Yoko a disgusting look.

"Don't act cute with me. I know you're thinking about Faye on the inside. I can literally feel it when you touch me. Let go." Niwirin rolled her eyes but nonetheless, didn't push the younger girl from her.

They got to their floor and found their rooms.

"Tell me what's Faye doing right now." Yoko gave her puppy dog eyes which Niwirin ignored.

"Yoko I'm a psychic not the mirror from snow white. Even so I need to touch her hands to know the details."

Yoko pouted.

"Anyways I'm quitting if you disturb me cause I also need my beauty sleep. If you're hungry, order something but do not disturb me." Niwirin deadpanned and shut the door on Yoko's face.

Sometimes Yoko thought who was working for who here. But Niwirin looked really serious right now so maybe Yoko would just go to her room and stalk Faye's profile until she fell asleep.


"What the!" It was Yoko's reaction when she opened her social media. She was in her panda pajamas.

"When did this happen!" The thing was that Yoko had been so much busy preparing for Thailand that she did not get time to stalk Faye that much. There was an announcement from 2 days ago on her fyp page that Faye was having a fan meet up at 6 pm in Bangkok today and what's more that the place was just 25 minutes away from her hotel. It was 5:30 now.

For a moment Yoko felt that as if an electricily flowed within her. She abruptly got up from her bed and threw her pajamas off of her. If she started right now, she'd be able to reach there on time. She wore all black and of course a mask and a cap. Should she let Niwirin know? Of course she should but, she suddenly remembered her friend's threat about quitting, so she did not. Even so, Niwirin did not tell her that she couldn't take a stroll outside right? That's how Yoko justified her situation.

Yoko thought of killing two birds with one stone. She started recording on her phone.

"Hello guys! It's Yoko Apasra. I just landed here in Thailand and saw that my future wife was having a fan meet up just near my hotel! So I guess it's time, I reveal her identity to you people."

Yoko did her thing and quickly took her keys and wallet, leaving the hotel.

"My manager doesn't know about it. So it kinda feels like I'm sneaking out blah blah..."

Yoko called a taxi. She captured the view of Bangkok on her way to the Bangkok Convention Hall where the event would be taking place. She would finally see her fated person, her other half, the person her heart beated for just by thinking of her, Faye Malisorn, her soulmate.


Echoes Of A Past Love [FayeYoko Soulmate AU] GxGWhere stories live. Discover now