Chapter 7

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Even though the older woman's whole face was covered, underneath she had a pretty complicated expression as she sat through the young author's discussion. Beside her, sat her manager Nida who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the playful remarks of the author as she talked about her book. Faye had to admit, the author answered everything very professionally. But something about that author's body language and the way she talked felt pretty familiar to her. Faye again kind of felt flustered when thinking about the flirty author's remarks a while ago when she was signing her book. 

Sounds like the name my future wife will have - The author had said.

Seriously, who says that to a stranger?! Faye almost felt annoyed. The flirt came out of nowhere and where she least expected from. The girl was most definitely younger than her. It was so unexpected that the older woman stuttered a 'Thank you' and walked away. Like seriously, a 'Thank you' to a statement like that? Faye facepalmed herself right then as her manager turned to her in surprise.

"You okay Khun Faye?"



" How is she breathing inside that fluffy mask?" Faye Pointed without looking at the stage. Nida Shrugged at her boss before suddenly receiving a message on her phone. She checked it before again turning to Faye.

" Manager Earn wants to make a public statement about last night's event. What should I tell her?" Nida whispered in Faye's ear. Faye thought for a moment. 

Last night after her team investigated the matter, they made a shocking discovery. For some reason, Faye's event manager, Ton hired less security than required last night. When he was interrogated, it was discovered that he was secretly laundering money from the security fund. The surprising thing was that he had been doing it for a while but he got away with it every time until last night, when someone finally managed to sneak in that Faye found the whole thing suspicious. Of course this incident would be a thorn to the eye, as no one has ever successfully sneaked in any of her event and concerts before.

"Yeah let her make a public statement."

"What about Yoko Apasra?"

"Don't reveal her yet. I'll have to think more if I want to press charges on the person I'll be soon working with." Faye Sighed and rubbed her temple. Nida nodded at her boss and got back to message manager Earn. 

Yes, Faye's team knew that the mysterious girl in black was Yoko. The security camera had caught her going inside a narrow alley before a black sedan car was seen coming out from there. After almost 2 hours later, Yoko Apasra was on trend for suddenly being seen inside a black sedan car in Bangkok whereas she should've been in Canada. It was bad luck that she was in the same car which was caught on the security camera. Their team needed to think it through before pressing fines on her. 

Faye has never heard about the young woman before, until suddenly one day her brand called, telling that they would be collaborating with a new rising Thai celebrity from Canada. The funny thing was that Faye was the only one who did not know Yoko. All her team members more or less knew about her and some even were her fans. Faye still wondered how she had missed such celebrity.

Faye again sighed and opened the novel on her hands that had been signed by the flirty author. She chuckled at first as the author had drew a heart beside her name. But the surprising thing was that there was something else written on it too.

Congrates, my lucky 1000th fan ;-)
You get to meet me after the event <3
See you, darling! 

Faye's eyes widen in surprise. She elbowed her manager who was still busy replying to manager Earn.


Without saying anything Faye just gestured Nida towards the novel in her hand. Nida'a eyes also widen when she saw the writings.

"Oh my god!" She squealed as excitement hovered over her. When some people weirdly looked at her then she composed herself. No shit, Faye's manager was a big fan of the novel 'Blank'.

"Congrates! You'll get to meet them in person!" She whisper yelled to Faye.

Faye was still unsure if she should go or not. Not like she has any plans after this. She was nervous for some reason, yeah, a little bit excited maybe. But what was she nervous about? Is Faye expecting some unexpected flirts from the author? No way, someone like Faye with a rich dating history would never be afraid of some mare flirts.

"Okay Blankets! Our cute Hamster sensei would be making a surprising announcement now!" The anchor announced with delight. Hearing the anchors sudden voice, Faye shifted on her seat, listening with great anticipation.

"A lot of you blankets have been very curious about the person underneath the mask." Just as the author's nasal voice said, the crowd cheered with greater anticipation. Was the author going to reveal herself?!

"I also want you guys, who've been supporting me so much for this last 2 years, to know me better. I want you to know my true self and also I can't do signing events with this mask on every time. It's suffocating." The flirty author joked at the last part as the crowd chuckled.

The author passed the mic to the anchor before standing up from the sofa. The thin woman slowly held her mascot mask as everyone's breathing stopped, even the anchors. Why was everyone so tense? Faye couldn't understand. As she unmasked herself, a pair of deep hazel eyes appeared before the audience. The author untied her dark brown hair and let it fall. Faye gaped at the young woman on the stage.


A fan yelled her lungs out and the whole crowd went nuts. Most of the people screamed in surprise but Faye felt kind of good about her self when she saw that she wasn't the only one who didn't know the young woman well, since some fans were whispering curiously about the young author's identity.

Nida was frozen beside Faye. She could feel that Nida was also gaping underneath her mask.

"Yes yes, some of you might also know me as Yoko Apasra. Now you know more about your favourite author." Yoko cutely winked before her eyes, without any hesitation fell on Faye. The young woman has been aware of Faye's location from the beginning and did look at her way from time to time. It's just her mascot mask did not make it much visible.

"I'd like to quote something from my most favourite person in the world 'If you promise not to go, I'll promise to stay'." Again the crowd drizzled with cheers.

Faye was stunned on her seat. If she had any doubts before, she had none now. The author did know Faye and that's why she flirted with her. Suddenly everything felt amusing to Faye. She was now more eager to meet the naughty woman.


AN: IK I write very lengthily of only one scene. But I think it's important to know the details :3

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