Chapter 2

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Yoko arrived at the convention hall just 10 minutes before the event. When she entered, the lobby looked deserted. There were only employees. Yoko literally ran to the receptionist.

"Ah hi, I'd like to get a seat for Faye Malisorn's fan meet up." She hurriedly said. The receptionist quickly checked her computer.

"Uh ma'am we're sorry but all the seats have been taken. It seems you were a little late as someone bought the last seat just half an hour ago."

Sold already?! This convention hall was so big that you could at least fit 50 adult elephants or more in one hall! Yoko suddenly huffed. She almost forgot her darling was one of the top 3 celebrities in Thailand. No shit all the seats have been sold in just 2 days.

"Can you please please manage one." Yoko requested.

"I'm really sorry ma'am. I'm afraid I can't do that."

Yoko sighed and walked to the sitting area on the lobby. There was no way she's going back to the hotel without getting a glimpse of Faye. Her eyes trailed around every corner of the area as she was trying to figure out the way towards the hall Faye was in and it was actually pretty easy. There were her darling's poster trailing in a certain part of the space. It was evident that the hall was that way.

Yes Yoko decided to sneak in. She started recording.

"Guys I'm in the convention hall but the seats are all sold out but I have to go see my wife. So I'll try to sneak in. Wish me luck." She enthusiastically whispered on the camera. She then decided she'll be keeping her camera on the entire time.

Yoko carefully approached the receptionist again.

"Ah sorry to disturb again. I'm on my period. Is there any restroom that way?" Yoko pointed at Faye's hall's direction as the receptionist looked at her suspicionsly.

"That way looks closer from here." Yoko cleared her throat.

'Dont be suspicious Yoko.'

"Yes. Go straight from there and turn left and you'll see the sign." The receptionist finally said.

"Thank you very much!" Yoko squealed but then composed herself when the employee gave a weird look.

Soon Yoko was out of sight of the receptionist.

"Okay guys I bypassed the lobby."

She followed the trails of Faye's poster while admiring and literally drooling in every one of them. After some minutes of making twist and turns, she finally came across a hall which had a human size poster of Faye in front. Just as Yoko was about to take another step an employee emerged from the hall door, a walkie talkie was in his hand. Yoko hurriedly hid behind a wall.

"Yeah, all check. Send someone in, I have to check other halls. Over." The man said on his walkie talkie and stood there like a rock. Yoko cursed under her breath as now it'll be tough to get inside with him standing. She was already 5 minutes late into the event. She couldn't afford to loose more time.

She does have a plan but if she goes in right now, the employee will definitely find her suspicious as he just checked the hall. Even so, she was out here without a ticket, so there were no plan B.

Yoko waited patiently. She needed the other employee to arrive quickly. It was not until another long 5 minutes when he arrived.

'Damn that employee! I'd have fired him if he stood me up that long.'

The two men exchanged eachother's place.

"Stay here. I'll be back in a jiffy."

When the first one left, the second diligently stood there with the intention of not letting anyone inside without a ticket. Yoko quickly fixed herself. She casually walked towards the entrance as normally as she could.

"Excuse me miss, you can't go in unless you've got a ticket."

"Oh, my ticket is inside. I was just out using the restroom." Yoko acted. For a second Yoko thought of being an actress but she shrugged it off for the moment.

He almost looked convinced but still was a bit hesitant to let the latter in. Yoko cleared her throat.

"Now if you'll excuse me." Yoko boldly walked inside with a fast paced heart.

When she entered the hall, she looked amazed at how big it actually was. The whole hall was dimly lighted in the middle. As her eyes landed on the stage, her heart skipped a beat as she almost felt like crying.

At the stage, sat Faye Malisorn looking prepossessing as always, talking gracefully to the interviewer. For a second Yoko forgot to breath, it was her lungs which caught on fire that reminded her, she needed oxygen which Faye was definitely not providing her with right now. The Faye Malisorn took her breath away. Her voice gave Yoko the butterflies.

Yoko carefully walked along the edges to prevent herself to come to even a little light. Everyone was so focused on Faye that even the employes within the hall did not notice her as she sneaked passed them. She almost felt angry towards the security for being this careless.

"Guys she's just too gorgeous. Help me, I can't walk. My knees are getting weak." She whispered on her camera. Once in her lifetime she was actually satisfied with having a small figure.

Yoko was almost at the front when she again noticed Faye's human sized poster from the entrance. She crouched and quickly hid behind it.

"Guys I guess we found a safe spot for now." Her small body and her dark clothes were definitely making it easier to hide there. Her eyes took in every interaction of Faye. How she would laugh at the interviewers joke and react to their teasing. It almost made her jealous. The fans would cheer once in a while. If only she could get a front seat.

It was then when her eyes landed on a seat at edge of the second row which was right in front of the stage. It was empty and it looked like no one was or would be occupying it. Of course that's what she thought, it was almost 35 minutes into the event.

Yoko took a deep breath and fixed herself while crouching. She casually hurried to that seat while mumbling.

"Oh shit I'm late!" Some people looked at her but did not think much of it. It was not some crazy thing to see someone getting late in a show. In the end, she fooled everyone but the guy sitting next to her.

"Um excuse me, did you just sneak in?" A masked guy whispered to Yoko, looking amused.

"Um ah no. This is my seat and I'm just late. Didn't you hear me?" Yoko stuttered as she crossed her arms.

"I heard you just fine. But that seat was booked by my friend who couldn't show up today." The guy chuckled. Yoko quickly looked the other way and bit her bottom lip under her mask. She just wanted to enjoy Faye's event and it was like everything was trying to keep her away from it.

She performed a Wai at the masked guy.

"Please I'll pay you for the seat. Please don't snitch." Yoko desperately said.

"Okay okay I won't. Anyways, I'm Big Phuripat. What's your name?"

"Why? So you can tell on me?"

Big looked at Yoko amusingly for her reply. She sure was careful. Yoko would rather concentrate on Faye than talking to a guy who might snitch on her.

"It's Yoko." She just said without looking at him.

"Now don't disturb me." Yoko said while completely giving her focus to the goddess on the stage.

"Damn woman. So arrogant." Big chuckled and also looked at the stage.


Echoes Of A Past Love [FayeYoko Soulmate AU] GxGWhere stories live. Discover now