Chapter 3

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The woman was too dazzling. Yoko literally went blind and squealed at every single thing Faye said. On the other hand Big's focus was continuously broken by the younger woman who was drastically shifting on her seat.

"You're quite the fangirl."

"Not a fangirl. That's my wife. I'm cheering." Yoko proudly said and again abruptly turned back to the stage, focusing. Big on the other hand laughed it off. Like who would believe that?

"Okay audience. We'll take a short break and then the fan questions will began. Remember to check the back of your ticket as the number will determine if you'll get picked to ask a question or not. Be back in 5 minutes." The anchor said as the crowed erupted in cheers.

It was unfortunate that Yoko did not have a ticket to check. The probability of her getting picked was 0%. On the stage, Faye got up and proceeded to climb down since it was her break time. Yoko cautiously analysed every single step of hers. She wore a wonderful blue dress which complimented her figure perfectly. The hall was full of chattering about the goddess and it wouldn't be abnormal if one person screamed her name right?

"P'FAYE I LOVE YOU!" So Yoko screamed her lungs out so that the sound would at least reach Faye amongst all the chattering as she recorded. Big abruptly turned to her as the whole hall laughed at the scene.

"Just look a little bit my way P'Faye." Yoko whispered to herself.

Faye did hear her as she again turned around towards the crowed. For a millisecond her eyes fell on Yoko, who was sitting on the 2nd row. And there it was. Her million dollar grin. Yoko waved crazily at her but unfortunately Faye did not notice as everyone started to attract her attention. She waved at the crowd before going backstage.

"Guys my wife just ignored me." Yoko pouted while recording her face on her phone.

"You're a blogger or something?" Big poked his head on Yoko's phone's camera.

"Uh yeah something like that."

"What's your channel's name?"

"Nop I'm not telling you." Yoko playfully replied while recording every interaction with him. Even though she did not know the guy or have seen his face, she somehow felt comfortable with him.


"If I tell you, you might know me. I don't want you squealing around."

"Says the one who's been squealing beside me for the last one and a half hour." Big snickered as Yoko glared at him.

"Do you mind if I recorded you?" Yoko asked, politely.

"Ah sure."

Yoko then fully took Big's masked face on her phone's camera.

"Guys, I met this guy who won't stop bickering and won't let me watch my wife peacefully." Yoko acted hurt as Big looked at the camera in surprise.

"Guys unsubscribe to her. She's lying." Big deadpanned.

"Oh my god guys P'Faye is here again! Now's time for fan QnA!" Yoko completely ignored Big's comment and jumped on her seat.

Faye was back on stage, now changed into a more comfortable outfit.

Yoko couldn't breath as the giddiness was hitting her like a truck.

"Okay guys, let's give Faye an applause!!" The anchor yelled as the crowd roared. Faye again took her seat on the stage.

"Okay we've also gotten the numbers of the fans who'll be asking questions. If it matches yours then just stand up. Our staffs will come to you and check your ticket before handing you a microphone. Are we ready people?!!"

Echoes Of A Past Love [FayeYoko Soulmate AU] GxGWhere stories live. Discover now