9: Back To Their Normal

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"Four weeks ahead, I thought that I should think some more,
I'm fucked in the head, and my mind is turning into a whore!"


"Che cazzo intendi con 'Non sei in grado di rintracciarlo?'" I shouted as soon as he picked up the call.

(What the fuck do you mean 'you can't track him'?)

My throat burned due to the spices Raina deliberately added to my food and I was just coming back to use some sort of mouth freshener when I saw Matteo's text.

"Sai che è un esperto, come puoi aspettarti che rintracci chi ha costruito l'intera interfaccia?" He barked from the other side infuriating me more.

(You know he's an expert, how do you expect me to track the one who built this whole interface?)

"Questo bastardo!" I cursed throwing my fist in the wall.

(This bastard!)

"Hai qualche idea?" This moron asked and I rolled my eyes at his silly question.

(You have any idea?)

"Se lo avessi saputo, avrei chiamato qualcuno più attento di te, maledetto inutile pezzo di merda." I hanged up the call tossing my phone on the bed.

(If I had known, I would have called someone more attentive than you, you damned useless piece of shit.)

Taking a puff of smoke to calm down my nerves, I sat on the bed pressing my forehead and that's when I got an idea to find Mr. Vihaan Malhotra.

I quickly opened my chat with my personal hacker because if Vihaan gets to know what I did, he'll kill me.

Well, his tiny ass built body won't be able to but he's dangerous.

'Track Vanya Agrawal.' I simply texted and a proud smirk covered my lips.

I decided to move to the balcony for the air and more like to throw the cigarette bud in the ashtray when I heard her talking.

The conversation was muffled and there was barely anything I heard except her comforting her mother.

She is crying and my arms ached again to calm her down.

I took a step back to give her the privacy she need when she tossed her phone aside on the couch and broke down into tears.

Her sobs reached my ears and clenched my gut so hard that all I wanted was to take her in my arms again last night but I know, it's not possible for me.

I took another footstep back when she stood up wiping her tears with the sleeve of her kurta and came inside the room finally spotting me.

I turned my back to her nervously so that she doesn't feel embarrassed in any sort of way.

Why the fuck am I doing this for her?

She ruined me whole and that was nothing what I did yesterday infront of that.

Breaking my conflicting thoughts, she called my name.


I instantly turned around at the mention of my name with raised eyebrows.

Now that she's standing right infront of me, she's so short as I probably tower her with good 9 inches.

She's so handy and small and so like-



"I was wondering if you could drop me to my parents' house or if I can drive there alone?" She asked with such innocence in her voice like she didn't just spice up my food extra so that I have a sour throat for the rest of the day.

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