23: enough for you

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"तुम गए बाज़ुओं में मेरे
सौ सवेरे लिए, सौ सवेरे लिए
हाँ, बादलों से उतारा गया
तुम को मेरे लिए, सिर्फ़ मेरे लिए!"


She showed off her car key infront of my eyes as she brushed by me inside and nothing else has ever made me laugh out so loud in a long time.

This woman is crazy and she is making me crazy.

I followed her jumping figure with a permanent smile on my face seeing how delighted she was because someone took care of her safety and security.

I highly doubt that the punctured tyre and those loose wirings weren't just a coincidence. There is got to be someone who did it and there is only one suspect in my mind.

But to his own daughter? Is he that insane and merciless? I can't believe I doubted Raina to be a part of his fucked up plan when she is nothing but a victim of her own.

She halted her joyous venture when she caught the sight of chachi infront of her and with a very small mutter of sorry, she entered the dining room followed by the eye rolls of former.

I shrugged settling on my seat while Raina brought tray full of sandwiches and some other toppings.

After the breakfast, I was advancing out before Ridh came to me with tease in her eyes.

"You are smiling so much after a long time, what is the reason?" She whispered glancing over at Raina who was leaving for work herself.

"None of your business." Her face fell at my words but I kept walking past her.

"You are the most ghatiya brother I can get. Papa!!" She whined like a small kid getting nothing in response from me.

My driver drove me to my company after putting some guards on duty to supervise Raina until I find out about the issue. As soon as I got off the car, media started invading me with questions about anything to everything they got up their sleeves.

Some started getting too close but got quickly away when met my glare knowing how badly it may turn out for them. My personal bodyguards got me inside without much effort and heaving an annoyed sigh, I took the private elevator to my cabin.

"Hello brother!" Vihaan greeted with a smirk and rolling my eyes, I sat in my chair opening up my computer to check the latest mail from Trisha, my new assistant.

"Got to know you gifted Rai a new car?" He playfully said it like it was a big deal giving my own wife something.

"It is none of your business." I replied tersely.

"Already forgot your own words of not falling in love?" He sat infront of me making me want to beat that smirk off his face.

"What about V for Vanya? I heard she blocked you from everywhere, her number included this time? Why don't you focus on your heartbreak rather than my relationship with my own wife?" I poked and his expressions hardened at my mock.

He remained silent, almost lost in his own thoughts when I told something to get his attention.

"Raina doesn't have a good relationship with her father."

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