10: Asshole

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"I make my own choice
Bitch, I run this show
So leave the lights on
No, you can't make me behave."


My husband? He is bipolar.

His mood swings are awesome and there's no one I've ever met who has quite the sort like his. He's so two faced that it feels like he's always high when he's so not.

"Your brother is weird." I murmured looking at his retreating figure.

"He's not weird, he's just done with everything." Avyan replied in a slow voice.

"Done with what? Being nice to people?" I mocked letting out a scoff.

"Done with compromising, done with giving into desires of others when he doesn't want it, done with, I hate to say it, being himself, the Ruhaan bhaiya we knew of, he's just The Ruhaan Arya now. The cold, uncaring person he shows himself to the world. I don't know if he's going to be the same he was!" Ridhvi spoke in a monotonous tone and realisation struck on me.

This is the sole reason he blames me for and maybe, I am the reason somewhere.

Whatever happened 9 years ago was pretty normal for me. It hurted like a bitch when I didn't have a say while taking the most important decision of my life but my life has always been controlled under the claws of my father and my brother.

I never expected anything from them. Everything they did for the better or worse was to benefit only and only them.

But maybe this was not normal for Ruhaan. Maybe, his life turned upside down and he blames me for that.

But accepting the fact and taking the blame are two different things because while I do accept the reason he blames me for, I am not gonna take the shit he gives me because I was equally compromised in the situation like he was.

"Uhm anyways, good night Avyan and Ridh!" I tried to put on a gracious smile and they both returned it back with a small one.

"Call me Avi, bhabhi!" He spoke as I retreated back to my room but I simply nodded waving my palm at them.

The time we spent was everything I needed after the day I had. It was refreshing and made me forget about whatever my mother told.

I can't hate my father more than I already do and there's nothing in this world now that can reduce the amount of disgust I hold towards him.

Devrat Jain is a real piece of shit and I don't feel an ounce of shame saying that. He is what he is and no matter what, I need to get my mother out of that shithole.

As I entered the room, I found Ruhaan pacing around with a cigarette between his lips.

I hate cigarettes. I hate the smell and I hate everything it causes to people who are around the people who smoke.

Smokers are ruining themselves and that is fine with me, totally fine with me. It's their life, their choice.

Die for hell's sake, who cares but the people who inhale the dirty smoke have to suffer just because they're fucking breathing air.

"Can you stop smoking in this room?" My infuriated self spoke as I pinched my nose.

He glanced at me as he threw the cigarette in the ashtray which was sitting on the side table.

"You have a problem with that?" He countered back lighting another one as he moved closer to me.

"Yes, I am sure it was clear when I asked you to stop smoking in THIS room." I replied taking it from his fingers.

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