4: The Very First Night

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"I never go alone and I don't seem broken-hearted,
My friends all say they know everything I'm going through"


If there was one word I'd use to describe this man, it would be an Ice.

There's no one in this entire world especially men who have treated me in a way he does.

However even after everything I've been told by him, I can't bring myself to hate him. It's so complicated and I feel twisted but there's no way I can hate this man because, no specific reason.

I take back my words.

I just can't but there's no way I can ever be in love with him as Nysa says either.

There's no scope of falling in love with a man like him when all he does is look at me with so much disgust and hatred.

Although I do find bits of changes in his demeanor whenever his eyes are stuck on me. I am not sure what it is but if it is what I am thinking then it does send a shiver down my spine.

It does makes me go a little insane.

Shock alert to myself: I am married.

I am married to him and to ruin the night more, he slammed the door on my face leaving me alone in a big chamber by myself with nothing to do.

What was my fault if I just wanted to initiate a conversation with him? Is it my fault to want things a bit normal now after everything I've been through in the past 23 years of my existence?

Will he ever consider me his wife?

To be honest, I don't have single fucks to spare on his crooked ass but I can't help and feel a little hurt by his words.

I settled myself on the bed wiping my eyes away not wanting to waste my tears on people who don't deserve them.

I opened my phone and scrolled through my pictures with my friends.

My mind roamed around the same conversation again and again and now only one solution seemed perfect to solve it.

I stood up coming out of his room in my normal pjs and finally after searching for the living room, I got in to find Ridhvi and Avyan sitting on the couch chilling around.

"Hi!" I spoke out a little loud and they both turned to me with their lips curving into wide smiles.

"Hi bhabhi!" They chirped standing up immediately and dragging me with them to the couch.

"Aap yaha kaise? Bhaiya uhm uhm-" Avyan teased earning a slap from Ridhvi. (How are you here?)

I laughed nervously when Ridhvi grinned again at me.

"Can you guys tell me where do you watch shows and movies, as in general?" I asked with hesitation clear in my voice.

"Oh, bhabhi, you wanna watch movies on your first night? Where's bhaiya?" Ridh teased this time but I maintained my expression and gave a simple smile.

"Come on, let us show you!" They said in unison with Ridh grabbing my hand and we walked towards the same place I came from.

This time I got to glance around a little bit more than the previous time and I'd swear on everything I own that there's no place more beautiful and elegant than this palace.

If Ruhaan was not my husband, it would have been a privilege for me to live here in the palace with these people who seems to like me enough.

The corridor is painted in beige and brown with very intricate designing I once saw searching for this palace on google.

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