chap 9

154 19 32

Soobin, Taehyun, and Kai barged into Yeonjun's house, swiftly making their way into his room and diligently scouring every corner in search of something, or someone.

As Yeonjun hurriedly followed the trio into his room, he found himself facing an empty bed, void of any signs of Beomgyu. The blanket seemed undisturbed, leaving only Yeonjun's lingering curiosity and uncertainty. The thought crossed his mind—had Beomgyu transformed back into his cat form?

Kai expressed disappointment as he looked around the room, stating, "No one's here." Taehyun added, seemingly disheartened, "I thought there would be a girl." The trio's enthusiasm appeared deflated upon discovering the absence of someone in Yeonjun's room.

Kai sighed as he was about to settle down on Yeonjun's bed when a sudden shout from Yeonjun halted his actions. "NO!" his voice echoing through the room as he forcefully pushed Kai away and causing him to collapse onto the ground. "What the f*ck?" Kai exclaimed, disoriented by the unexpected shove.

"my cat...he probably lying here" yeonjun explained  his concern grew as he swiftly uncovered the blanket, only to find it empty. Bewildered, he pondered where Beomgyu could have disappeared to. 'Where did he go?' Yeonjun puzzled aloud, his worry for his companion deepening.

Kai expressed disappointment, stating, "There's no one here." Frustration was evident in his voice as he stood up and frowned at Yeonjun. Suddenly, Soobin interjected, commanding attention, "Guys, silent!" His attention focused on the closed bathroom door.

"What's going on?" Taehyun inquired as the three of them approached the bathroom door. Soobin, with his ears pressed against the door, asked, "Did you hear that?"

Everyone carefully listened, their ears perking up at the muffled sounds of water from the shower coming through the bathroom door. Taehyun's comment confirmed their suspicions, stating, "Yeah, I heard. Someone's definitely taking a shower in there." Yeonjun's eyes widened in realization.

Yeonjun's mind raced as realization dawned upon him—Beomgyu must be inside the bathroom. However, the expressions on the trio's faces revealed a mixture of curiosity and excitement, adding to Yeonjun's concern.

Kai's curiosity piqued, he asked, "Who's in there?" Taehyun offered a possibility, "Is it your girlfriend?" Meanwhile, Soobin added a suggestive remark, "Or maybe a one-night stand?"

Yeonjun quickly protested, "Guys, no!" He clarified, "I'm not like that." Soobin considered the statement and nodded in agreement, affirming, "Yeah, that's true." The trio seemed somewhat convinced, but their curiosity about who was in the bathroom remained unsatisfied.

and soon the bathroom door creaked open, revealing a figure emerging. A guy stood there, wearing an oversized cherry-colored hoodie with pajamas that seemed too big for him. His eyes were a stunning shade of sky blue, and his damp, white hair hung messily. All eyes immediately darted towards the stranger.

A moment of silence enveloped the room as all eyes fixated upon the stranger, taking in his appearance. Eventually, their gazes shifted towards yeonjun, silently demanding an explanation. Yeonjun stood there, looking nervous under the trio's scrutinizing stares.

Yeonjun quickly thought on his feet and hurriedly explained, "Ah, guys, I forgot to mention this. He's my roommate." The trio exchanged surprised glances, their confusion apparent upon hearing this unexpected revelation.

"ROOMMATE?"Kai's voice echoed louder, "Y-yeah..." Yeonjun's response was somewhat hesitant as he confirmed.

Kai's gaze grew intense as he confronted Yeonjun. "When I suggested being your roommate, you flat out refused," he said, his arms crossed. Meanwhile, Beomgyu silently observed the unfolding drama, his expression filled with curiosity and bewilderment.

The curse of Human Love!! yeongyu/beomjun bl ☕︎Where stories live. Discover now