chap 12

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"so why did you want to meet me?" the old man sitting across the table asked

yeonjun, who was sitting opposite to him said, "You know, there's a guy who came by asking for you recently," he mentioned. The older gentleman, his smile widening at Yeonjun's comment, responded, "Ah, yes, I know. You must be referring to the adorable Beomgyu, right?"

Yeonjun nodded, confirming, "Yes, that's him."  "What about him?" The air in the room felt heavy with anticipation, and the old man waited patiently for Yeonjun to continue.

Yeonjun cut right to the chase, his tone firm and resolute. "You must already be aware that he's not fully human," he asserted. The air seemed to thicken as the conversation took a serious turn. The older man nodded, his expression a mix of acknowledgment and concern. Yeonjun continued, "He's struggling with a lot of issues, issues he hasn't brought up, and I want to know more about the curse he's facing."

Mr. Yu looked at Yeonjun intently, his gaze penetrating. "You want to know about his curse...are you his owner?" he asked, his eyes searching for confirmation. Yeonjun, without hesitation, nodded and affirmed, "Yes, I am his owner." Mr. Yu smiled at this revelation, his demeanor softening. "It seems you care a lot about him," he commented. Yeonjun acknowledged, "Yes, I suppose I do." Mr. Yu responded, reassuring Yeonjun, "In that case, there's no need to worry. He will soon be free from the curse."

"what do you mean......I want to know everything," he stated earnestly. "I want to know what caused the curse and how it can be resolved." The old man chuckled warmly in response, his smile widening. "Alright, alright, I'll tell you everything you want to know."

 The old man then proceeded to explain everything about the curse, delving into the details of how it came to be and the steps required to lift it. He also explained the consequences of failing to resolve the curse. The information was detailed and thorough, leaving yeonjun pondering over the implications.

Yeonjun's brow furrowed in confusion as he processed the information. "So, you're saying that he's in love, and the curse can only be lifted if the person he loves returns those feelings?" he queried, his mind working overtime to understand the complexities of the curse. The old man nodded in affirmation, reiterating the key condition for lifting the curse.

Yeonjun continued, his curiosity leading him to seek more clarity. "Alright, I understand everything now," he affirmed. He paused for a moment before continuing, "But do you happen to know who it is that he loves?" He silently prayed that the old man would provide some insight

The old man paused, his gaze fixed on yeonjun. With a warm smile, he proposed, "Well, why don't you try finding out for yourself?" The suggestion hung in the air, leaving yeonjun with a mix of intrigue and determination.

Yeonjun's curiosity deepened as he asked, "How am I supposed to figure that out?" The old man responded with a mysterious smile, saying, "You'll find out sooner or later, or maybe Beomgyu will tell you himself."

Yeonjun inquired further about the curse and its aftermath, his voice tinged with a hint of concern. "So let me get this straight, once the curse is lifted,he can choose which form he wants to stay in, correct?" The old man nodded in agreement, providing clarification, "Yes, that's correct. In most cases, the cat chooses to remain in feline form, enjoying the carefree life without human responsibilities."

"is that so...." yeonjun stayed silent, then The old man kindly offered, "Hey, would you like to try some of our special noodles? They're delicious." But Yeonjun declined, feeling a sense of obligation for taking up so much of the old man's time. "No, thank you," he replied. "I've already imposed enough. I should head out now."

The curse of Human Love!! yeongyu/beomjun bl ☕︎Where stories live. Discover now