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Next morning

Subhadra get up and remove hair from her face. Her whole body was tired and become weak she didn't even able move. She feel hand Around her waist. She look back and see Arjun sleeping like a child hugging her.

She immediately get up from bed. This movement distrub Arjun sleep he get up and look at her.

Subhadra cover herself with blanket. Arjun look at her then at other side he get up from bed and moved towards his bathroom to get ready.

Subhadra cover self with blanket. She tried to get up from bed but fail miserable. She hug blanket around her tightly tears followed from her eyes.

She again try and get up with support of table and she goes to sangrah she take bath with hot water she feel relief.

Later she get ready and goes at kunti room.

After that it was time for pandavas kunti subhadra to leave for varnavat.

Kunti take bhishma blessing hug gandhari.

Arjun subhadra take elders blessing and hug dushala. Subhadra hug gandhari.

Gandhari said"come soon subhadra house will be incomplete without you my dear".

Subhadra said"sure mata ".

Later pandavas take elders blessing.

Dushala said" Please all of you come back fast".

They all said yes.

Duryodhan in his mind"poor dushala she don't know that they will never return".

Nakul bheem sahdev sit on horse yudhishthir kunti sit in one chariot , subhadra and Arjun sit in one chariot.

Between Arjun and subhadra there was distance. Nor subhadra filled it nor Arjun.

She look so weak but Arjun never care of her. His angry always win. He always hurt and broking subhadra .

It was night

They all reach at varnavat they all didnt see any palace.

Nakul said"purochan were we all will stay".

Purochan said"in palace".

Sahdev said"but where is palace".

Purochan said"let me show you".

He adjusted mirror and moon light start to fall on palace and make it visible it look beautiful creation.

Yudhishthir said"its beautiful purochan ".

Purochan smiled.

Bheem said" Purochan tell me one thing what happened when there is amavas how will this palace will be visible then".

Purochan tensed up.

Yudhishthir said"bheem amavas is after 10 days and before that we will leave so now let's go and take rest".

Purochan take a relief breath Arjun noticed it.

Purochan said"rajkumari subhadra you are daughter in law of mahraj pandu and we need to welcome you with respect and ritual rajkumaar subhadra lets me call my wife to welcome you ".

Subhadra smiled.

Then purochan wife welcome subhadra with aarthi and shower flower on her.

Subhadra was about to enter when kunti said" Wait subhadra, purochan bring a diya to keep at door ".

Purochan agree with tensed face.

Then he bring diya subhadra entered in palace.

They all goes inside. Purochan off the diya as it is not safe because of diya may be laka get melt.

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