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Valencia POV

There they were.

The werewolves.

At least they knew it was a set up of some sort so they're not completely stupid.

They were all piled at the abandoned station. Crowding around one another like they were their own little pack.

How pathetic.

But as my eyes watched the huge group of dogs I felt a tap on my shoulder turning around to see Piper.

"Why are you watching them?" She asked her voice covered by the sounds of the trees and wind.

One of the many good things about our terrain.

"I was curious about the things." I answered as she sighed.

"Valencia, headmaster Knight said we weren't allowed to hurt them." She said as if I would do that.

"I one, wouldn't touch those things and two, I'm only watching them not hurting them a big difference." I said rolling my eyes as she shrugged.

"Well headmaster said to come and get you all as orientation is soon." She informed as I growled in annoyance.

That woman always has to ruin everything.

"Fine." I said as I heard her start to walk away but my eyes caught sight of a little wolf walking by her lonesome.

Was she an idiot? I watched her for a couple more seconds before turning my gaze away from her.

No need to waste my time on such matters I thought to myself as I caught up with Piper as we walked towards the academy.

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