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Emerson POV

"Why am I being dragged up the stairs?" I asked as she dragged me up the stairs and into our dorm room.

"Do you have any idea who you just talked too?" She asked closing the door.

"Uh no am I supposed too?" I asked confused.

"Emerson how do you not know of the most powerful vampire families within this school?" She asked as I looked at her confused once again.

"Because I'm a werewolf?" I answered as she groaned.

"Not a good enough excuse." She said as I gave her a look.

"Ok well enlighten me then, who is she?" I asked as I sat down on my bed.

"That was Piper Reed one of the two most known people within this school due to her family power." She explained as I nodded along.

"Ok so why am I supposed to care about this person?" I asked as her jaw dropped.

"She can make your life hell." Taylor said as if it was common knowledge.

"Ok ok ok but she insulted you." I said as Taylor sighed.

"That wasn't an insult she was trying to get a rise out of me which failed but thank you for standing up for me though." She said smiling.

"So if that's Piper then who was the one with the blue eyes?" I asked which made her look at me weird.

"Blue eyes?" She questioned.

"Yup the one hiding behind the tree." I said remembering the eyes sticking out to me.

"Well the only one I can think off here that would have blue eyes and follow Piper around would be her best friend, Valencia." She answered.

Valencia hm.. pretty name.

"She has a pretty name yes, but also a staring problem." Carter said with a little demon laugh as she once again interrupted my thoughts.

"Don't act like you weren't staring too." I replied to her as she scoffed.

"Girl please I one, never said I wasn't and two, I wasn't that was you." She said before cutting out the link making me groan.

"Asshole." I grumbled as Taylor looked at me.

"What did you say?" She asked.

"Nothing just talking to my wolf." I replied.

"Oh ok." She said as we changed the topic to another subject.

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