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Emerson POV

The tension was too thick. To the point where someone could cut it with a knife. He glanced around knowing he had no way out of this situation.

"I don't know what she's talking about dad. I got the information from the headmaster after I told her who I was." He explained. His lie would seem reasonable only if we didn't know he was lying.

"Liar. Tell him the truth Connor. Tell him what you did." Kate growled as Connor glared at her and then me.

"I didn't do anything to her." He growled.

"Kate..just tell me what you're implying." Uncle Ray said softly.

"He hired wolves to attack Emerson at the academy, and even gave them silver after the fight with Elliott." Kate said dropping the boom which made Uncle Ray's eyes widen.

"Why would you do that Connor?" He asked confused.

"I didn't do it father I'm telling the truth." He said trying to defend himself.

"Lies again. Dad do you really think Emerson getting attacked by people who are in relation to Connor is a coincidence? I don't plus silver was used both times." Kate said as Uncle Ray sighed not sure of what to believe.

"What does silver have anything to do with it? The perputraitors could've gotten that anywhere even from the vampires for all we know." He snapped back.

"You always use silver. You used silver with me, you used it with Emerson when she first got at the academy all because she kicked your ass, and then you used it again when you got your ass beat by Elliott taking it out on Emerson when she was already hurt." Kate snapped right back at him.

He growled at the mention of his loss to both me and my brother. His eyes glowed as his wolf made itself known.

"Oh bring it on." Kate growled letting her eyes active back.

"Connor calm down." Samantha said softly trying to calm him knowing that her son would lose against Kate.

"No! Rick and Eric did that not me. I mean sure I gave the silver but it's not my fault that she's weak! I mean she deserved it from embarrassing me in front of everyone. Then Elliott did the same thing. They had to pay for what they did not my fault Emerson was the easier target!" He yelled angry as the whole forest went quiet.

You see the thing about Connor is when pressured he'll soon admit to any wrong doing he's ever done. Uncle Ray's eyes widened as Connor calmed down.

"No..I didn't mean it.." He stuttered realizing his mistake as Uncle Ray stared at him in shock.

"Connor you're no longer a son of mine." Uncle Ray mumbled hurt as Connor's eyes snapped to me with anger.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" He yelled angry as he lunged at me.

Everything seemed to all be in slow motion as everyone tried to reach me. Even though they were all so close they were still so far.

I snapped my eyes shut in fear. Preparing for what was coming.

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