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Emerson POV

As soon as I gained full control I looked around the moving bushes. Whoever this was wasn't good at being quiet.

But then I felt it. A familiar stare. My eyes and body turned to the trees only to be met with familiar blue eyes from earlier today.

We stared at each other for a moment. I didn't know if she was just going to stand there and watch or actually talk this time but hey she's stalking me so fair game.

"Watching me again?" I asked deciding to talk as her eyes kept still and unwavering.

"Why are you watching me?" I asked speaking again as the first time was just met with the sounds of crickets.

Her eyes narrowed not in a bad way but rather in interest before she spoke up.

"I find you interesting." She replied her voice making me freeze. It was calm, collected, and soothing all at once.

"So you followed me at the bed of night just to watch me because I interest you?" I questioned as she chuckled.

"That's one way to put it." She replied.

I sat there for a moment and then sighed.

"Well that's creepy." I said as she stared at me some more.

"Well if that's the case then I'm just watching to make sure you don't do anything shady being as you're a wolf and all." She said as my eyes narrowed at her.

"You followed me here in the dead of night with the intention of stalking me and if you weren't so bad at it you'd still be doing it without talking to me." I said with a raised brow.

"So how would I be the one under suspicion?" I asked making her laugh before looking back at me.

"Well maybe I was just worried about you little wolf. Don't want the big bad vampires coming to get you." She teased.

"What did you just call me?" I asked shocked as she grinned.

"You heard me little wolf. Now I'm going to go before that wolf of yours comes out to play. See you later." She said before running off.

"For the record I'm not little." Carter said finally catching up on the conversation making me laugh.

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