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Emerson POV

"Emerson. Emerson. What classes did you get?" Taylor asked as she ran up to me with her schedule.

"Uh I don't know I haven't looked." I answered truthfully.

"What a werewolf answer." A voice spoke making me sigh.

"Piper leave her alone, correction leave us alone." Taylor said groaning as Piper grinned at her.

"Nope can't do that. Not when you're around at least." She said hugging Taylor from behind making me chuckle as I watched her try and fight out of her grip.

They would be the perfect couple is Piper wants the textbook definition of an asshole.

I took a look at my schedule to see a mix of classes both from vampire and werewolf side of things which is good.

I can't say I'm not excited due to the many choices they had to offer.

"So what did you get?" Taylor asked curious.

"Animal science on both ends, vampire anatomy, werewolf anatomy, math, vampiric lit, ECT." I replied which made her eyes sparkle.

"We have classes together!" She said happily as Piper stood in the background eyeing me up and down.

Taylor was distracted for a moment in which Piper used her speed to end up beside me with an annoyed look.

"I don't like you." She grumbled.

"I don't like you either, I'm glad we have something in common." I said with a smile.

"You stay away from her." She whispered.

"Can't do that I'm her roommate, idiot." I replied with a sarcastic smile.

"By the way why do you care so much? Do you like her?" I questioned faking a gasp.

"" she stumbled but then walked away from me with a huff as Taylor turned her attention back to me.

"What did you and Piper talk about?" She asked.

"Nothing important." I said with a chuckle.

"Oh just wanted to make sure she wasn't bothering you." She said with a smile.

"She wasn't now what are these classes?" I asked as we began talking about one another's classes on our schedule.

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