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Emerson POV

"No love making!" Elliott and Kate yelled in unison as my parents shook their heads as me and Valencia went up to my room.

I led her to my room and let her inside before I closed the door behind us.

"You're worried." Valencia said as I sighed sitting on my bed as she watched me.

"Why wouldn't I be? He's a very violent person plus we brought the one person he hates more than anything back to the pack so he's going to lose it." I explained my whole body felt heavy.

"Why does he hate her, aren't they siblings?" She asked as I sighed.

"Kate isn't actually his full sibling, she's his half sibling you see our alpha's first wife died during childbirth so his current wife is technically his second wife." I answered.

"So why does he hate her?" She asked.

"Well because he knows she's the heir to the alpha title and because we are her friends he takes it out on us." I explained as she sat beside me.

"Well you have me now so he won't hurt you anymore I promise you that." She whispered to me as I glanced over at her.

"I don't care if he hurts me. It's my family and you that I'm afraid he'll hurt. He has high amounts of anger and I don't want him taking it out on you guys." I explained as she knelt down in front of me so she made eye contact with me.

"Little wolf I'll be fine and so will your family. I promise you that but little wolf you also don't need to worry about me because I'll be with you, right beside you, to protect you." She said softly resting her hands on my knees.

"I'm here to meet your family but I'm also here to protect them as well that includes you too. As your family is now mine as well as mine is yours." She said softly as she stood up and hugged me gently.

She laid me down on the bed as she wrapped her arms around me essentially cuddling me.

"Now stop worrying about things and sleep peacefully." She mumbled as I nodded her and her scent surrounded me as I fell asleep instantly.

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