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Valencia POV

I was walking behind Emerson as we left the house to execute the plan that we talked about yesterday.

Kate was walking beside me as Emerson's parents were on each side of her as they walked down the path slowly getting 'welcome home' from everyone we passed.

"You better treat her well or I'll hunt you down." Kate said as I glanced at her.

"I wouldn't dare treat her any other way." I replied as she nodded.

"She's right about Connor." She said out of the blue making me look at her a bit confused at her words.

"What?" I questioned as she glanced at me seeing my confusion.

"I didn't mean to ease drop but due to my super hearing I heard what she said and she's right about Connor. Connor will get physical when he sees me." She said giving context to her words as I nodded.

"I won't let him touch her I swear that on my life but I don't think he would want to screw with me anyway due to the fact I fucked up his buddies a little bit too well." I said chuckling as I remembered the fight.

"He knows it was you that did that?" She asked.

"I don't believe he does, but if he somehow does then I highly doubt he'll do anything." I replied.

"Well I'm glad you saved her. So thank you." She said sincerely.

"Don't thank me for something I would've done in a heart beat." I said which made her chuckle.

"Just...please protect her. Even if you think he won't attack trust me he will." She said.

"Trust me I won't let him hurt her again. He's already pissed me off for her burned hand and the other incident." I said anger rising a bit as I remembered both incidents.

"I'll try my best to stay calm but I can't promise I won't hurt him if he tries to hurt her." I told her as I completely looked over at her.

She nodded understandingly as we continued to follow the people in front of us before we made it to a huge opening.

"Well we made it. It's time." Kate says to me as I nodded and got next to Emerson as we entered the opening.

Well here we go I guess.

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