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Valencia POV

I watched her walk away with Taylor.

Taylor wasn't a traitor, Piper knew that much. She just wanted a raise out of the two. Piper was always the one out of the two of us to do such things. I just preferred to observe.

Something about the wolf strikes an interest within me. She wasn't afraid nor was she angry. She was just..calm.

I chuckled as I watched her from my hiding place.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" Piper grumbled as we watched the pair.

"She's interesting." I replied making Piper scoff.

"More like an ass." She mumbled as I looked at her with a raised brow.

"She's the ass?" I asked as Piper rolled her eyes.

"Since when do you pick sides?" She snapped back as I shrugged.

"Plus what's your infatuation with that one anyway? You've been watching her since the train got here. It's creepy." Piper said as I sighed.

"I'm not creepy just observing and to be honest I don't know." I replied as she smirked.

"Are you a traitor Valencia?" She asked in a whisper trying to get a raise out of me.

"No. Also next time you want to stalk and antagonize your little crush don't drag me along with you." I replied which made her go quiet and the smirk dropped from her face.

"She's not my crush." She said as I shook my head chuckling.

"Yeah keep telling yourself that but the whole reason we're out here was because you wanted to follow her to make sure she was 'safe'." I said which she huffed at.

"She's a werewolf why wouldn't I be concerned about Taylor's safety?" She said making me grin.

"So you're worried for her now?" I questioned as she shoved me and stomped away.

"Shut up you stalker. You have no room to talk." She grumbled as I followed her.

I'm not a stalker but ok.

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