Can't Sleep

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Carter POV

Emerson was still asleep but I just couldn't fall asleep not while I was nervous for the run tomorrow. We were cuddling with Valencia right now. Goddess did she look pretty.

I opened my eyes as I took control of Emerson's body. As I stared at the ceiling. I'm glad we wouldn't have to worry about finding our mate anymore. That she was right here with us now.

"You're not little wolf." Valencia said making me turn to see her looking right at me.

"You're right I'm the wolf." I said chuckling.

"Why aren't you asleep?" She asked gently as I sighed.

"I'm nervous that you will see me. Well me and Emerson in my form. What if you don't like it? What if it weirds you out?" I said admitting to why I couldn't sleep.

"I could never think that. To you or to Emerson. I'm your mate just as you are mine. My purpose in life is to accept you the way you are, to live you the way you are, and to cherish it." She said softly which made my eyes widen.

"Even when our bones start to crack, twist, and turn?" I asked which made her chuckle.

"I heard that the first time you transformed. While you ran into the forest, I was right behind you of course I didn't see it. But even then it didn't creep me out. Why would it now?" She asked as I thought about it for a moment.

"So you'll love us the way we are. Twisting bones and all?" I asked which made her smile as she pressed her forehead against mine.

"I will love you from the moment your bones twist to the moment they don't. I will love you through it all." She said softly.

"Really?" I whispered.

"Really Carter." She whispered back looking me in my eyes.

The act seemed so simple but yet spoke volumes. I smiled and nuzzled myself into her neck.

"Now sleep you have a big day tomorrow Carter." She whispered softly as she held me close.

I closed my eyes and heard a chuckle.

"Do you still have second thoughts?" Emerson voice asked.

"No. No I don't." I replied as I drifted off to sleep.

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