Can't Do Anything

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Emerson POV

Those assholes burned my writing hand and now I can't do anything. A month has passed since the beginning of this whole peace project.

I told my brother about the whole thing and he was pissed to say the least.


"He sent who to go hurt you? Oh I'm going to fucking kill him!" He growled through the phone.


"Elliott no swearing!" Mom yelled as he groaned.

"That man-child sent someone to hurt Emerson!" He yelled back.

"He did what now?" My father asked as a whole conversation ensued.

"He must pay for such a crime!" My father growled my mom trying to be the peace keeper and calm them both down.

"Oh goddess.." I mumbled softly.

End of flashback

Never again am I getting burned by werewolves. It starts a whole revolution at home. Carter came back and of course laughed her ass off the whole time.

"Hey that was funny. You can't blame me for that." She said chuckling as I groaned laying down on the bed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her as she sighed.

"The silver wasn't much but it still caused eminence pain. I'm fine now of course now that it's out of our wounds and I can heal it but it still hurts. I doubt we'll be able to shift. Probably won't be able to do that for a long while. She said as I nodded in agreement.

We're down one hand which for her is a paw plus it hurts to have the bones in my hand move under the skin currently so we can't shift.

"How long are we going to be like this?" I asked.

"I don't know I can't really tell the extent of our injuries so for now I'd say about maybe half a month with how fast I can personally heal us." She replied.

"That means I get to annoy you for a whole month." She said with an evil laugh making me sigh as I groaned.

"I hate you." I grumbled.

"You love me Emerson." She said with a chuckle before breaking the mind link. I thought I would have some peace and quiet until Taylor bulldozed through the door.

"Emerson bad news!" She said as I looked at her confused.

"Its..." She said looking down at a paper.

"Mating season."

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