Walk Home

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Emerson POV

"Little wolf wake up. We made it." Valencia's voice said as it went through my ears.

I groaned softly as I woke up and stood up collecting my things which Valencia took from me.

"Hey!" I said as she chuckled.

"No heavy work until healed." She said as I sighed and got off the train as she held our stuff.

We got off the train as I led the way to my pack's land until I felt a buzz come from my pocket.

"Who is it?" Valencia asked as I checked my phone.

"My brother." I answered as I picked up his call.

"Yes brother of mine?" I greeted him as he chuckled.

"Hello Emerson, are you on your way back yet?" He asked as I looked around.

"Yeah just got off the train and currently heading towards the pack lands." I replied.

"Do you want me to come pick you up? I can help you with your things." He said as I heard him moving through the phone.

"No!" I said quickly as I heard him stop.

"No.. because I have a surprise with me and you coming to me would ruin it." I explained as I looked at Valencia who smiled at me before going back to admiring the forest.

"A surprise?" He questioned as I nodded.

"Yup a surprise." I answered as he sighed.

"Fine I guess I won't help you but it better be a good one." He said with a dramatic sigh.

"But speaking of surprises I have one as well." He said making me curious.

"Oh? Do tell please." I said as he chuckled.

"No can do you'll have to wait till you get here." He said as I sighed.

"Fine." I grumbled.

"Mom and dad are super excited." He said as I smiled.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yup." He replied which made me smile more.

"Well I can sense you're close so I'll let you go see you soon Emerson." He said making me chuckle.

"See you soon Elliott." I said as he hung up the phone.

I continued to walk down the path that led to my pack land as the scents of everyone came back to me slowly.

I smiled as I felt myself enter the packs territory. I turned to look at Valencia who was looking at me with a weird look probably sensing it too.

"We're here." I stated as she nodded as we continued down the path that would lead to the pack.

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