
304 24 2

August 16, 4:35 am

Dear cameron,

I'm single because I'm single. It's not because i texted too much or too little or waited 33 minutes to respond because you took 23. It's not because i met up with my ex that night at 5 am that no one knows about or because i kissed another boy after a date with a loser. I'm not single because i spit food on the date or tripped coming out of the movie theater. I'm not single because i hurt my boyfriend really badly when i was 15 or because i have yet, to this day, apologize. It's not because i was secretly jealous when my friend got a boyfriend or the guy i dated for two months now has a super cute boyfriend and looks really happy. And I'm happy for him, but still sad that he found someone before me.
I'm not single because i slept
with my ex boyfriend. I'm not single because half the world found out when i didn't even want to remember it myself. I'm not single because i think the guy my friend is trying to set me up with is ugly or too tall. It's not because I'm not willing to put up with someone who doesn't brush their teeth on a regular basis.
I'm not single because my standards are too high. Good for me for having standards. It's not because i didn't like that really really good guy that wanted to take me on a date and i just wasn't feeling it. And it's not because i like to wear pajamas as soon as you get home.
I'm not single because i didn't learn enough from the past or would rather chill on a Friday night with my blanket and a cold beer then shower, get ready and go out. I'm not single because something is wrong with me.
I am single because i am single. I haven't made the connection with another heart yet. I can get dolled up, dress cute, cut my hair, dye my hair and i may still, be single. I can go out to a bar hoping to meet the love of my life and not fine a damn one in the place attractive. And it's going to remain that way until it's time for me to find one.

it was only ever you,
shawn mendes.

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