Chapter 21 - Aaron

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I wasn't able to join Ally's appointment at the clinic when she went to get her blood drawn for the test because I had to be out of state for work. Luckily, she said that all went well and she is waiting for the results now. We speak almost every night before bed and it has become a habit at this point. It feels really good knowing she's warming up to me again and I cherish every moment.

We haven't had the opportunity to go on another date yet, but I'm planning on making it happen as soon as possible. The truth is that I want to spend all my time with her, however I don't want to scare her off while she's working on trusting me again.

This morning I texted her the usual good morning but she didn't reply. I didn't think anything of it at first because of the time difference. But I started getting anxious as time passed. I didn't call because I didn't want to be too invasive. Fortunately, I was able to surpass it in the back of my mind for a bit and wrap up our case. So the team and I were getting ready to fly back to Quantico late in the night.

Dave and I arrived at the jet early. I took a seat and pulled out some papers in front of me as I waited for the others to gather. Distracted by the paperwork in front of me, I was caught off guard by my ringing phone.

"Hotchner" I answer with a sigh

"Wow, you sound tired" Ally's sweet voice reaches my ear. She sounds like she's in bed

"And you sound like you're about to fall asleep" I notice and check my watch

"Good guess. I'm in bed, and just wanted to let you know everything is ok. I was working all day on an emergency and just got down. I'm sorry I didn't reply to you, your text was lost somewhere in between the mess that was today" she explains

"That's alright. What happened? I didn't hear see anything on the news" I wonder

"Then I did a damn good job" I can hear her smile in her voice

"Shit..." I sigh, knowing that those classified cases are probably the most sensitive ones

"Yeah..." she sighs back. "What time is it Vegas?"

"It's 10pm. We should be taking off within the next hour. It's probably 1am there...?" I assume

"Yeah. How did the case go?" she asks

"It had the best outcome possible. There were no new bodies from the time we got there"

"That's great".

I missed this. I missed been able to talk about my day after work. And I missed someone been understanding of my absence due to work.

I hear Ally's yawn from the other end of the call and I chuckle. "Go to sleep, doll. I'll see you in the morning"

"Will you? Do you have anything in mind?" she asks interested

"Indeed. But I will reveal it when it's time" I answer

"Ok" she laughs. "Goodnight. Or good good morning. Have a safe flight"

"Thank you. Goodnight".

We hang up and I leave my phone on the table. But as I drag my eyes back to the papers, I notice Dave staring at me.

"Stop" I shake my head, trying to ignore him

"Doll? Seriously?" he wonders

"Yes. Now, grab these..." I toss him half of the files in front of me, "...and help out"

"I will. Only because that'll give you more time for dating. You need it"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that everyone's noticed you've been less grumpy lately, and -even though we love you for you- we'd like to keep it that way. So, I will not give Allison a reason to leave you" he explains.

I act annoyed, but I don't mind sharing the paperwork in order to have more free time for Ally. It works for me.

"How's that going, by the way?" he asks

"We're taking it slow and we're doing good" I inform him

"I'm glad to hear that. You two belong together"

I chuckle.

"What?" he asks

"Don't take it the wrong way, but your three divorces are not helping me trust your judgement on this one" I say, clearly to tease him.

I am sure that Ally is the love of my life. Nothing can change that.

"It is known that a profiler can't profile himself, just like a doctor can't diagnose themselves. So, even though my choices didn't turn out to last, I think yours will" he smiles.

"I hope so" I admit, trying to cover my smile.

We landed in Virginia around 8am and had to check in at the bureau before going home to get some real rest. But due to traffic, the ride from the airport took a lot longer than usual.

When we finally get to the bureau, I spot Ally's car in the garage, so I plan on passing by her office to see her before leaving. However, as soon as I walk in the bullpen, my eyes land on her. She is sitting by Emily's desk with Emily, JJ and Garcia.

She is talking and laughing at something JJ just said. As she is coming back from it, she looks my way and her eyes almost light up. She excuses herself and comes to me.

"Hey, welcome back" she says with the biggest smile across her face

"Thank you. What are you doing here so early?" I wonder

"Early? I came in on my regular hour" she reminds me

"Right. I'm sorry, I'm still a little jetlagged" I apologize as I check the current time on my phone

"That's alright. I heard you were coming back and came down to see you. Is that ok?" she whispers the last part

"Of course, it's more than ok" I reassure her.

"Are you tired or do you want to grab some quick breakfast with me as I go through some files in my office?" she suggests since she is on the clock right now, unlike me

"I'm never too tired for you. Give me 5 minutes and I'll be right with you"

"I'll order our usual as I wait" she says

"Sounds good" I reply and rush to my office to get some little things done.

Soon enough, I return to Ally and we head to her office together. I hold the door for her and she thanks me as she walks out. I reply with a weak smile and follow her.

"Are you sure you're not too tired?" she asks me again

"I am. There is no place I'd rather be, doll"

She blushes, "Alright" she smiles again.

Third Person POV
"I give him a year" Emily says as she and JJ stare at the door where Allison and Aaron just exited.

"Ten months" JJ bets

"What are we betting on?" Rossi asks as he walks passed them

"How long it'll take for Hotch to propose" JJ informs him

"10 months, tops" he states and heads for his office.

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