Chapter 20 - Allison

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The good thing about me is that I can fall sleep over any noise if I'm tired enough. The bad thing about me is that I always wake up a few minutes before my alarm despite the time I set it in. It's like an internal clock and I am sick of it.

But this morning is a little different. I am glad to have woken up early because I have time to take everything in. Aaron is sleeping right next to me. I don't know how I ended up in his arms but I am not moving any time soon. His arms are wrapped around me protectively, and his familiar scent is all over me. It's so calming and safe. It's like I never left.

I snuggle a little closer to him -if that's even possible- and I relax even more, taking in the moment. I feel his hand caress my back softly. No one speaks up.

We stay like that until my alarm goes off. I get ready to pull away, but Aaron holds me with one hand and reaches for my phone on the nightstand with the other. He turns it off and returns to our position.

"I could have done that" I chuckle

"I beat you to it" he replies, as he continues to rub my back.

I don't argue with that.

"This is quite nice" I confess

"I know" I feel his cheek move in a small smile. "We can stay all day if you'd like"

"I would say yes if I didn't have two growing piles of files waiting for me on my desk" I complain

"Wow, you have more than I do" he chuckles

"Probably because my unit works two to three cases at the same time all the time" I sigh


"Yeah..." I sigh, "There are about 3,450 violent crimes each day in this country. Out of those, there are 4-7 crisis-related incidents per day. 37% chance it is a hostage situation, 23% chance it is terrorism-related, 35% chance it is an active shooter incident, and consider the other 5% miscellaneous" I explain. "So, I either split the unit into smaller teams I believe will be the most efficient for each case, or I tell Anderson to get the case file down to you for your team to take on. Thanks for always handling greatly" I add and smile in the end

"You're welcome" he smiles.

He lets out a breath and makes a groaning sound as he pulls his hands from me. He did the hard thing of pulling away, so I sit up on the bed.

"Can you drive me home so I can change?" I ask

"Of course. Do you want to have breakfast first or grab something on the way?" he asks as he rests his hand on my bare knee

"I think grabbing some on the way will be faster" I smile softly

"Whatever you prefer".

Our eyes meet and that warm feeling in my chest returns. His hand that is on my knee feels like it's on fire now. I want to bring that hand up and put it to good use.

"So..." he says and I snap out of it. "I'm going to get dressed quickly and we'll be on our way"

"Ok" I reply quickly and drag my eyes away from him.

I go to the bathroom and I change into my clothes from yesterday. Almost. I put my jeans on, but I keep Aaron's t-shirt on and push the length of it into my jeans. I return to the bedroom and see Aaron dressing up for work. I find it difficult to keep my eyes away from him as I walk by to get to the nightstand and grab my phone.

I turn the screen on, but Aaron's movement catches my eye first. I steal a few glances at him as he puts his clean white shirt on. With certain movements the muscles in his arms flex against the thin fabric. He looks absolutely delicious. He buttons his shirt and then fixes his cufflinks.

He reaches into the closet and grabs a thin black tie. He finally turns to me and smiles. With the tie in his hand, he walks over to me. I watch him approach. He lifts his hand to my face and brushes his thumb over the corner of my lips.

"You're drooling" he says

"Shut up, I'm not".

I take his hand away from my face and he starts laughing.

"I read an email and was looking away while I was thinking of a reply" I lie

"Sure, whatever makes you feel better" he replies as he places the tie on the back of his neck

"I wasn't drooling" I insist

"You were close" he replies.

I grab him by the collar and push him against the wall. I want to kiss him, I want to touch him, I want him to fuck me until I see stars and then fuck me again. But we said we'll take it slow. And I know damn well I shouldn't catch feelings -more feelings- so early on.

So instead of doing all the things I really want to do, I start tying his tie. I feel his gaze on me but I keep my eyes on the tie. Once I am done, I pull away without looking at him again.

"I want pancakes for breakfast" I state as I walk out of the room

"Your wish's my command" he replies as he follows me.

We leave his apartment and get breakfast to go. I eat half of my pancakes on the way to my place, and hurry to get ready for work once we get there.

"I told you you can go" I tell Aaron as I find him still waiting for me in my living room

"And risk your family coming here? No" he says

"Is this how it's going to be from now on?" I chuckle

"Why not?" he smiles.

"Because I might have a way I could take them off my back. If I get tested and it comes out that I'm not a match with the receiver, they will call me a failure and leave me alone" I explain

"And if you turn out to be a match?" he asks

"Then... I'll figure it out later" I sigh. "I will go by the clinic they referred me to after work" I inform him

"Do you want me to come with you?" he suggests

"No, it's ok. It's just a blood test"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" I reassure him. "Now go, I'll follow close by with my own car" I tell him

"Yes ma'am. When did you become so bossy?"

"I learned from the best"

"Of course you did" he chuckles as he goes.

I watch him go and I find myself smiling like an idiot. Can every morning be like this?

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