Chapter 29 - Aaron

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The case kept me away from home for 6 whole days and I've been feeling the withdrawal from Ally since day 2. In the meantime, she has been working on several cases and has just landed back. She told me to grab dinner and meet her at her place. I had no reason to argue with that.

It's after midnight, so the road is quiet. Most restaurants are closed, but I manage to find what she asked for after some research. When I arrive at her place, I see her car already parked on her spot and I'm glad that I don't have to wait any longer to see her.

Never have I felt this excited at the end of a workday, and I pause to process why. No painful silence. No dreadful loneliness. Nothing but a strong sense of warmth as I think of the person waiting for me. The small voice in my head warns me that I'm getting too attached. But I'm pretty sure it's far more serious than that.

I use my keys to enter Ally's apartment.

"Aaron?" she calls from another room

"Yes, it's me" I answer as I lock the door behind me.

"I'm taking a quick shower and I'll be right out. I'm almost done" she informs me

"Do you want my help?" I offer

"No" she chuckles

"Alright" I smile.

Her phone rings and my eyes follow the sound to the coffee table in front of me. Her ex-husband's name flashes on the screen. I roll my eyes and I turn the sound off.

Honestly, I'm not worried about this asshole. The only thing I'm pissed off about is the fact that he is bothering Ally.

"Ally, I'm going to step on the balcony to take a call" I say

"Ok" she replies from the bathroom.

I dial Garcia's number.

"I just got home, sir. Please, I didn't even have time to eat yet" she says as soon as she answers

"Don't worry, there isn't another case. I just need you for something more personal" I reveal

"Ok, I'm listening"

"I need anything you can get me on a guy named Eddie Wood. He is married to Jessica Wood, formerly known as Jessica Lively. They have a daughter together. I want anything you can find on him"

"Alright, I can do that"

"Thank you. You don't have to hurry, you can do it on your own time" I reassure her

"I will prepare a flashdrive and hand it to you by the end of the week. Is that ok?"

"Yes, that would be great. Thank you, Garcia"

"You're welcome, sir"

"Goodnight, and take some rest"

"You too, sir. Goodnight".

We hang up and I return inside. I see Ally coming out of the bathroom. Her wet hair falls by the sides of her face, and lands on the fresh set of pyjamas she is wearing.

She runs in my arms and I welcome her in. "I missed you" she says

"Oh, you have no idea" I reply and I kiss her.

"Do you want to go take a shower yourself before eating?" she suggests

"Are you telling me I smell?"

"No, but I'm sure that dealing with bodies in the woods wouldn't be that clean" she admits

"Firstly, I shower every night in the hotel before going to bed. Secondly, I will go shower because I can't stand sitting like that after going through a crowded airport" I explain

"I knew it" she smirks

"Knew what?" I ask

"That you're still a very very clean person, borderline OCD" she admits

"I'm not--"

"It's fine. It's not a bad thing. Especially for a guy" she kisses my lips and releases me.

"Ok" I chuckle and move on.

I shower quickly and get dressed. The clothes we've left in each other's places really come in handy these days. I brush my wet hair back as I come out of the bathroom and I notice Ally staring. I smile and join her on the couch.

For the next half hour, we eat our dinner and talk about what we did while we were separate. We discussed about work, mostly, just getting things out of our chests about things we saw or had to do.

And Ally is incredibly comforting. She doesn't judge, she doesn't interrupt, and she only gives me advice when I ask for it or she believes it will make me feel better. It is kind of therapeutic, being able to share this much with a person that understands. I needed that a lot and I hope every day is like this from now on.

Every time I think this woman can't get more perfect, she proves me wrong. I just hope I can give her back as much as she gives me, because she deserves everything.

When we finish with food, we clean up and go straight to bed. Ally is so exhausted she falls asleep in my arms almost immediately. I take a few moments to look at her. Her relaxed expression and calm breathing are making my chest less heavy -less stressed.

Eventually, I shut my eyes too and let her quiet sounds and the feeling of her heartbeat against my chest drive me to sleep.

Tortured Poets || Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now