Chapter 34 - Allison

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I jolt awake and attempt to get up but something is holding me down. It takes me several seconds to calm down and realize that I am still in the SUV. The seatbelt is what is holding me down. I try to unbuckle it but the button doesn't work.

"Fuck..." my voice breaks.

I reach down for my pocket knife and at the same time I realize that my gun is missing. But that is not the only thing missing. Aaron is missing. The killer we were transferring is missing from the backseat. And the car I'm in right now is absolutely wrecked, especially from the driver's side. There was a crash. I hate how slow my mind is working right now.

I cut my seatbelt and kick my dented door open despite the pain in my gut. I step out of the vehicle and walk a few feet away while holding my stomach. I'm shaking. My chest feels heavy and my brain has not caught up with everything that has just happened.

I take a look around. I'm standing in the ditch where the SUV currently lies. The road is empty and quiet. And the woods from each side seem even scarier at night.

"Aaron?" I call, but I am unable to raise my voice even a little.

No answer.

I reach for my phone but it is nowhere on me. Do I go back in the car to search for it and call for help or do I walk away hoping I'll run into someone? Aaron is missing while a killer is on the loose, probably carrying my gun.

"Aaron!" I call again.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Three gunshots go off causing me to jump. My heartbeat picks up. I head towards the direction of the shots, walking as fast as I can in the woods, and gripping on my pocket knife. It is stupid, but it is my last defense right now.

I have no idea where to go after a few seconds. I lean against a tree and breathe heavily. My head is killing me right now, and despite my rapid breathing I can't catch my breath.

"Ally..." I hear as the sound of my racing heartbeat fades from my ears.

At first, I question myself, afraid that it is just my imagination. And then I hear it again. It is weak, but definitely Aaron's voice. I follow his voice and I almost fall on the ground when I spot him. A wave of relief washes over me.

He is standing against a tree, holding his abdomen and clearly struggling. His white shirt is soaked in red all around his torso.

"What happened?" I ask as soon as I reach him

"Take this" he puts his gun in my hand. "I already called for backup. The unsub is down, but I don't know if he is dead. He has your gun" he informs me between short breaths.

I follow his gaze and see the body a few feet away. "Go secure him" he orders me

"Aaron, you're bleeding" I remind him

"Go secure him, Ally!" he insists, "Or we could both be dead if he wakes up"

"Damn it!" I curse under my breath. I take my jacket off and shove it in his wound. "Hold this. I'll be right back" I order him.

I go to the body that is on the ground. I take my gun away from his hand and check for pulse.

"He is dead" I say as I return to Aaron. "Did he shoot you?"

"No. A piece of the car door sliced into me during the crash" he tells me

"And you chased after him while you were literally holding your guts together?" I ask, not believing it

"He pissed me off..." he confesses.

I apply more pressure on his wound as I hold the jacket over his hands. He clenches his jaw trying to hide the pain.

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