Chapter 40 - Allison/Aaron

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I am getting used to having Rhys around, but I miss my privacy. I was feeling eyes on me all the time anyway, and now his presence doesn't let forget about it. I know it's for my own protection, and I hate it.

"Can I grab a coffee at least?" I ask him as I park outside the coffee shop.

He doesn't answer, and just follows me inside. He sits by the door, while I wait in the queue as usual. Suddenly, the hair on the back of my neck stand. I feel like I am being watched again. Staying still, I take a look around. I spot a guy in a hoodie lurking outside. I make eye contact with Rhys but he shakes his head. I swallow hard.

Before I know it Rhys is besides me in the queue. "It is too obvious. Your guy never lets himself so exposed" he says

"You're right" I reply and I breathe out. "But he's here, I know it" I tell him

"Alright" he breathes out, "Do you want to leave or catch him?" he asks

"Do you have a plan?" I wonder

"It's risky. And your guy wouldn't be too happy" he mentions

I nod. "Let's get this over with".

I had to stay in New York for 4 days, and there wasn't a minute I wasn't worried about Ally. This was the first time in 3 months that she was left alone, and I can't believe she wouldn't have told me what was going on if he hadn't sent her those new photos this week. She hasn't been home yet, and I told her that we can either go home together now that all surveillance is set up or stay in a hotel again if she's still uncomfortable. Rossi brought me up to date with everything regarding the situation and I can't understand how I didn't even notice; I was too busy complaining about being on bed rest.

Rhys sends me updates almost every hour, letting me know where she is and what she is doing. It makes me feel a little more secure, but I will never stop worrying until that coward is caught. I have no doubt in my mind that he is done waiting, and he will make his move as soon as he has Ally in the right spot.

I dial Ally's nymber from the car while Dave is driving us front the airport back to the bureau. She picks up after a couple of rings.

"This is Agent Lively"

"Hey, you didn't reply to my text so I figured I'd call and ask you. Do you want me to bring dinner?" I suggest

"You're back already?" she asks

"Yes, I just landed and I'm on my way home"

"Oh, great. I'm not home actually, I am out having coffee with a friend right now" she mentions.

She usually goes out with the girls, but they also just landed, and the rest of her team are out of state. Dave shoots me a weird look from the driver's seat.

"With who?" I question

"A friend, you don't know them" she answers.

"Where is Rhys?" I ask

"He is right here watching my every move. Don't worry, everything is good".

A mix of jealousy and fear grows in my chest.

"Who is that friend, Allison?" I insist

"A friend! We ran into each other at the coffee shop and we started chatting. Do you have a problem with that?" she sounds mostly confident, but there is a hint of uncertainty in her voice

"No, of course not. I guess I'll see you when you get back. Bye" I hang up.

"What happened? Why did you turn white as a ghost?" Dave questions

"Turn right" I order

"The bureau is left--"

"I said turn right!" I repeat.

"Calm down" he says

"I am calm", that's a lie.

I make Dave drive us to our usual coffee shop and I get out before he can ask more questions. I spot Ally sitting with a guy in one of the tables before I even enter the shop. I walk passed Rhys and get to her.

"I know I'm interrupting but we have to go, Ally" I say without even eyeing the guy across from her

"Can we finish our coffees first?" he asks, raising a brow at me.

I turn to him. I take the cup from in front of him and I empty it on the nearest plant pot. "Here you go, now you're finished. Shall we go, love?" I ask.

Ally shakes her head and offers shakes hands with him. "Thanks for the coffee" she smiles

"The pleasure was all mine" he kisses her hand and I want to cut his head off.

"Let's go" I remind her. She sighs and follows me outside. "What do you think you're doing?" I ask her

"I want you to stay calm, and not look away from me. Pretend we're actually arguing until Cade is out of sight" she says

"What? Cade? Where is Rhys right now?" I notice

"He is running after him" she answers

"Who's Cade?"

"The guy you just saw me with. Thank you for doing everything according to plan"

"What plan?"

"I wasn't planning on grabbing coffee with anyone today. But when I walked in the shop, I felt watched. We knew that the stalker was here and that he was going to make a move as soon as he saw an opening so we gave him one. Rhys pretended to go to the bathroom for a moment, and I was approached immediately by Cade. I didn't see him at the shop when I entered but he pretended to just recognize me. We did meet while I was doing interviews for the position in the Embassy in Paris, but he didn't get the job. He never even crossed my mind, but I knew as soon as I saw him in that line. I felt it.

"Rhys came out and sat on his corner there. I was going to play along with Cade and not let him doubt that I was into him, in hopes I'd be safe then, until a distraction had to take me away from him. I gave Rhys the signal and he was about to interrupt but then you called, so I came up with an even better exit plan. I knew getting you jealous would make you race here and pull me out of it, giving Rhys the opportunity to chase after Cade" she explains. "Thank you for playing your part perfectly" she smiles.

I stand there speechless. She did all that; she sat through a date with him, she acted like she was enjoying him, she came up with a new plan and she tricked me. All while she sitting across the guy you had her panicking and crying out of fear a few days ago. And now she stands here, with a smile across her face.

"You're crazy" I sigh and I pull her in my arms

"But you love me" she says

"I do" I chuckle and I kiss her head.

Rhys brought Cade to the bureau in a different car, while Dave and I searched his house. We found some very convincing evidence for his case and made his arrest official. I thanked Rhys and Ally said goodbye to him -mentioning something about a princess that I didn't quite understand but I didn't care enough to ask for details.

We returned home, and even though I was hoping everything would be back to normal, it didn't. It just doesn't feel the same. I can't wait to move out from this place and move on from this incident already.

Tortured Poets || Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now