Chapter 17 - Aaron

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It was hard to hang up on Ally last night, knowing I've had her wrapped around my finger, but I know that teasing her would be better in the long run. I wanted to drive her a little frustrated and definitely took advantage of her extra hormones. She is so horny when on her period, but especially when she's ovulating despite the fact that she doesn't want kids -that's why we were always careful.

As soon as our case was wrapped, I couldn't wait to see her. So, when the others went in the bullpen, I headed one more floor up. I enter her empty office and wait for her to return. I wander behind her desk and look at her things. The books and awards on the bookshelves are dusty, no photos or really personal things displayed anywhere--

"I'm going to count to three..." she threatens

I chuckle and step back, so she can sit on her chair.

"Is there a reason you're breaking into my office?" she questions

"Your door was open but you weren't here" I answer

"And what do you want here?"

"Just coming to see you" I smile as I sit across from her

"To see me or disturb me?"

"Was I disturbing you last night?" I wonder

"Very much so. You should be grateful that I didn't call Sebastian after you left me high and dry"

"I bet you were far from dry, doll" I smirk. Her cheeks turn the sweetest shade of pink. "And I explained to you what would happen if I'd catch him touching you again"

"Who said you'd catch us?" she teases

"I have eyes and ears everywhere"

"Don't be too sure about that" she replies and then shows me the way out of her office.

I couldn't shake her words off me for the rest of the day. She is up to something. She will try to prove me wrong and that probably means she'll call Rizzo. So, I go ahead and ask Garcia to put him on the list of people forbidden from entering the building. Now, when he shows his ID at the front in order to get a visitor's badge, security will escort him out. And when that happens, I'm going to take her out for a drink far away from him.

Some time later, I pick up my things and I'm on my way to her office again.

"I know, I just have to finish this up" I hear Ally's cheerful voice as the elevator doors open for me to enter.

I see Ally standing inside but she is not alone. Rizzo is by her side. You have got to be kidding me...

"Don't worry, princess. I can wait" he replies to her, without noticing me.

"Am I interrupting?" I ask as I step between them

"You're a child" Ally whispers only for me to hear

"Says you..." I reply in the same volume and tone.

Then I turn to him. In the words of Sun Tzu, keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer.

"Rizzo, long time no see" I shake his hand

"Indeed. How have you been, Hotchner?"

"Busy" I answer, "What are you doing here?"

"Came to pick up, All-- I mean Agent Lively" he answers happily, "There was a bit of misunderstanding at the front desk, but luckily we sorted it out. I come in here often for several clients, so the guys downstairs know me and were able to resolve the issue with my ID quickly" he explains

"Yeah, isn't that great, Aaron?" Ally interjects

"It is" I force to say as my knuckles are turning white in a fist.

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