Chapter 42 - Aaron

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Ally and I started wedding planning almost right away. She wanted me to be involved in every decision which is something I didn't do last time. And in order to do that we always make sure to book our appointments at times we are sure we'll both be home, which means that it takes us longer to review and make decisions on things we have to see up close. On the other hand, things that can be done remotely, like color combinations and invitations, are decided within a day.

Overall, we have great communication and we easily find ways to compromise and meet each other in the middle on things we might not agree on. Honestly, I couldn't ask for anything better right now.

Unfortunately, today, I make my way to Ally's office with unfortunate news. I knock and walk in as soon as I hear her response. A smile appears on her lips as she sees me and my heart flutters.

"Hey, I'm finishing up and we can go" she says

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about..." I mention as I step close to her. "The assistant director called for an emergency meeting tomorrow morning, so I have to stay in late and finish up the budget reports. Before his email I had a week to do them, so I was planning on doing them next week. But now I gotta finish them until the meeting" I explain

"That's ok. We can move our appointment at the venue"

"I'm so sorry"

"There is nothing to be sorry about. This was out of your control" she reassures me

"We've been waiting for an appointment there for two months"

"So what? Maybe that's a sign we shouldn't book it. And, honestly, I could marry you in the city hall tomorrow" she reassures me.

I pull her by her waist and kiss her. "I love you" I kiss her again

"I love you too. We'll find a perfect venue, no reason to rush. Also, the cake tasting box came in this morning so it's waiting for us in the fridge" she informs me

"I'll do my best to come in early tonight" I promise

"Don't stress about it, really" she insists. "The last thing I want for this wedding is to be stressful. I want us to have fun, because we have enough stress in our lives already"

"You're absolutely right"

"I'm always right" she smiles and we kiss again.

Once she is done, I walk her to her car in order to steal some time with her before I go back to work because she'll probably not be awake by the time I get back. And about an hour later she texts me that she'll go to Rossi's for dinner, promising to bring some home for me. I'm glad she won't have to spend the evening alone. I wish her a good time and continue my progress through the pile of papers on my desk.

I didn't hear from Ally for the rest of the afternoon so I thought everything was well. However, when I step home I find her and Emily giggling at one couch while Dave is watching them from the other side of the living room. Ally jumps up the moment she notices me and runs into my arms.

"Hey, I missed you" she says and kisses me before I could speak.

I try to pull away because other people are around but Ally attempts to deepen the kiss.

"What happened? Did the party move here?" I wonder

"I have to drive them home, so this was our first stop" Dave answers, "I didn't want to leave her alone so we waited for you"

"Are they that drunk?" I chuckle, but I don't smell any alcohol in Ally's breath

"They're high" he says

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