Ch. 4

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You woke up from your alarm and quickly got dressed into your work uniform and made your way out your apartment to the train station. As you sat down you couldn't help but felt there were eyes on you. As usual if you felt uncomfortable with your surroundings, you pretended to yawn making it easy to look to both sides of the train, everyone seemed occupied with their phones or the newspaper. Maybe it's just in your head. You quickly arrived at your destination and made your way to the cafe. You walked in and greeted your co-worker Emi, "Good morning Emi, how was your weekend?" You asked.
"It was great, besides what happened with U.A, did you see the news? It's all they're talking about, it's so unfortunate those poor children." Emi said as she was prepping all the coffee machines for the day.
"Yeah it's unfortunate." You said. You remembered your conversation with Shigaraki. You started to miss talking to him. As you clocked in for work, you started making sure all the tables were clean and all the condiments were stocked for any customers. Your phone buzzed. It's a Discord message from Shigaraki.
"what time do you get off?"
Your heart skipped a beat, you quickly replied to him. "5, why what's up?" You saw he left you on seen. Why would he ask when you get off? Is he gonna see you? You try not to get your hopes up but you couldn't help to not get so excited from the thought of Shigaraki coming to see you so soon.
"You look like you're beaming with joy Y/N, what's got you so excited? Is it a boy?" Emi said, wiggling her eyebrows at you. You begin to blush a bit, looking away and rubbing your neck in awkwardness.
"Eh something like that, I met a cool guy online and he lives near me so we've been talking about meeting up." You said, Emi had a look of surprise.
"Whattt? You gotta be kidding me Y/N I was hoping when you'd finally get a man in your life!" Emi said, "I'm so happy for you Y/N, is he cute? Wait you're not getting cat fished are you" Emi said.
"What? No no we already video called so I do know what he looks like, kind of, just the bottom of his face. He seems shy but cute too." You said, smiling to yourself. You really did find him cute.
"Oh my goshh I hope you guys the best then! Oops well looks like we better start working." Emi said, you looked up and seen some customers start coming in, you brush your thoughts away and started to focus on the customers.

4 hours flew by fast, you and Emi both took turns taking orders from customers so the work flow was easy. You saw only one person was in line. Once you were done making a set of coffees for a customer you turned to take the next customers order. There stood a figure with a black hoodie with the hood over their head, light blue hair was poking out covering the sides of his face. You immediately knew it was him, Shigaraki. You quickly wiped your hands on your apron and spoke, "Hi, welcome to The Caffeine Bar, what can I get you?" You said, "Maybe it's not him." You thought to yourself.
"Uh, hi, Y/N." He said softly, your heart was pounding in your chest it really is Shigaraki.
"Y/N! Go take your lunch break, I'll take over till you're back!" Emi said, coming up behind you and giving you a pat on the back.
"But we don't take br-" You start say but Emi practically pushes you out from behind the counter. "Of course we do! Now go relax it's only 30 minutes. Go out into the back outside." Emi said. You got moved closer to Shigaraki, looking up at him you can see a faint color of pink across his cheeks. You grab your stuff and grabbed his arm pulling him with you as you walk into the back room and out the back door where there was plenty of privacy from the overgrown vines that grew around the gazebo type roof with a table and chairs. "You came to see me?" You said, looking at him. He looked around almost in a paranoid manner before looking at you.
"Yeah, is that, okay?" He said.
"Of course it's okay, don't be nervous. Let's sit down." You said taking a chair and he sat down as well. "What made you wanna see me?" You said smiling at him with your hand propped up under your chin.
He looked away, blushing slightly. "Just wanted to see you, I was in the area and decided to see how you were. I texted you earlier about when you got off so I don't come here too late or something." He said looking down at his hands that was bundled together on the table. You reached out and placed one of your hands on top of his. He quickly moved his hands away.
"I'm sorry, you seem afraid. Is everything okay? You're not in trouble are you?" You said, now being worried.
"No I'm fine, just never did this kind of thing before and I'm scared to touch you because of my quirk." He said not looking at you.
"That's okay I didn't mean to make you scared. I do appreciate you coming all this way to see me, you're a really nice person to me ya know?" You said hoping to lighten his mood. He immediately looked up at you with a faint blush on his cheeks. "You mean that?" He asked. "Of course I mean it silly, I appreciate everything you do." You said smiling at him.
He stared at you for a minute then he looked down at your hands and slowly brought his hand out to grab yours, he had his pinky finger up not touching your hand as you both held each orders hands without his pinky finger. You blushed a bit looking up at him. "You don't deserve me Y/N, you don't know anything about me but yet you're still there for me and such a great friend to me. I'm afraid I'm gonna hurt you." He said, looking down. You didn't know how he would hurt you but given what he said about his quirk you looked around and found a small flower growing between the cracks of the concrete floor, you bent down and grabbed it then gave it to him. "I wanna see your quirk, if you don't mind." You asked, he looked hesitant before grabbing the flower from your hand and grabbed it with all 5 fingers. You saw how it instantly turned into ash, seeing the ashes fly away from the wind.
"I see, it's a pretty interesting quirk, what is it?" You asked.
"It's a decaying quirk, everything I touch with all 5 fingers will decay and turn into nothing." He said, looking at you with a worried expression. You placed your hand on his, he flinched slightly but relaxed as you rubbed your thumb across the pale slightly red knuckles. "Are you scared of accidentally touching me?" You asked. He nodded his head. You thought for a moment if there was a way to make him more comfortable. "Well then I guess you just gotta hold a finger out when we high five or something huh?" You said, laughing at your own joke. He smiled a bit and chuckled softly.
"You're crazy, you know that?" He said, smiling a small smile on his face, looking up at you.
"Crazy for you Shiggy." You said, you immediately grew red as you realized what you just said. His face grew red as he stuttered over his words. "I, uh, I think I should get going." He said, standing up. You stood up fast grabbing his arm.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I mean I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." You said, embarrassed with yourself hoping you didn't scare him away.
"Y/N it's okay, I mean, I guess you can say I am crazy for you too. But you can't possibly like me right? What's there to like? You're probably just messing with me trying to get my hopes up then ghost me right?" He said, standing over you. His red eyes piercing down at you, you couldn't help but shrink a bit underneath him.
"Who hurt you Shigaraki?" You asked, his eyes widened slightly, staring at you with nothing to say. "I'll never hurt you Shigaraki, I know you'll never hurt me too. If being anything more than friends scares you that's fine I'll be happy to be your friend." You said looking up at him.
He frowns a bit then sighs, "Y/N, I think you need to know something, about me. Before you wanna still be friends with someone like me." He said, looking away. You didn't know what he meant by that, is there something he's hiding?
"If you're like a villain or something I don't care, you'll always be my friend Shiggy." You said softly grabbing his shoulders. He looks at you with shock, almost like fear.
"What if I am a villain, someone that's killed dozens of people, someone that's gonna kill more in the future." He said, staring down at you.
"Then I'll be there with you. I may not have a flashy quirk but I will still fight for you." You said, he stared at you. He wasn't sure if you were bluffing or lying he couldn't believe someone as perfect as you would ever consider that.
"You don't want this life Y/N." He said.
"I want my life with you in it." You said, gripping his shoulders.
"I need to go, Y/N. Let's talk about this more tonight, we can meet up at a park, I'll text you the address where it's safe." He said, looking at you with pleading eyes. You smiled a bit, taking the chance and wrapping your arms around him pulling him close into a hug. His body tensed up immediately feeling you hug his body. "Yes of course, just know that you're the most special person right now to me, I'll see you tonight then." You said as you squeezed his body once more before pulling away you felt him place a kiss on top of your head before disappearing from behind the cafe and into an alleyway. Your heart was pounding just from him kissing the top of your head and also from the thought he could be a villain. But you don't care, he would be worth the risk to throw this boring life away and spending the rest of your life with him. You didn't have anyone there for you like he was.

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