6 - Tragedy of Brain, Eggs and Mera.

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K. Aren

She doesn't respond even how many times I called her in that state.

I didn't even notice what times she strolled in here while I was busy sorting out some stuff at the counter.

Damn it, Nendo. He's freaking giving me extra work to do to clean up his mess and I still couldn't leave him alone.

While he mindlessly left me here by myself and out from my sight, missing in action.

The unpleasant sound of something stumble on the floor grabs my attention before the angry sound of storms thundering through the ground.

Just a few seconds following, everything went out of light. Then I guess the store black out because of the kick from the loud thunder.

The most, scariest part. A slow, sharp gasping sound along with a second of shrieking thrilling my whole body bolting out a damn hard goosebump all over the place.

Haha, it's 3 in the afternoon and this whatever spooky thing try to get a soaking pants from my own. Someone really gonna get a rough and hardcore lesson later.

Gripping the fire extinguisher and hanging into the air, I walked through the sources before someone backs holding my view onto them.

An unknown person, likely a lady was shaking.

The fire extinguisher was safely on the ground and I slid close to her with a thundering beat missing my heart.

"Are you okay, miss?"

The familiar old scar on her right wrist and worn out wooden ring wrapping around her middle fingers pick up my slow brain into recognizing.

This isn't just a mere coincidence, stumbling across someone that I know pretty much about. Talking about fate.

It's [Name].

The empty space beside her in between the snacks section, I occupied, crouching down as my hand touched her shoulder carefully.

"Hey, it's me. Kuboyasu. Everything will be fine now that I'm here."

A frown shaped my features when she doesn't give any reaction to my voice. I decided to kneel in front of her, my both hands on her shoulders trying to drag her out from her misery.

"[Name], you hear me? Hey... Nothing can scare you anymore."

She was sweating, plus the trembles coming out from her body was so strong that I felt so bad I couldn't do much to keep her calm.

A feminine gibberish whisper slipped through my ear. I wasn't concentrating at first, double checked if it was really coming from her. Closing the gap between our face, I tried to find her eyes behind those hairbang hiding her face from my view.

The only view that I could accept is the most beautiful I ever witnessed–

Aren, this isn't time to think about that. Focus.


The usual cold icy fiery, sharp killing eyes everytime it stabs my eyes has turned into a simply terrible sight of fear.

A second later, something crack resonates inside of me.

Her blond hair quite messed up. I plucked it behind her ears as I cooed her to calm her down. Gently rubbing her arms, those unstoppable crystals clear stain her pale fair skin before it's gone as I wiped away her tears.

A tender smile craved on my lips, finally she is aware of my presence before her fearful eyes change into a relaxed gaze.

"I'm here, [Name]. Take a breath first. Think of something that makes you happy."

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