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(Earth Pov)

"Who are you.?" I asked the orange planet. "Oh, im iris, a new planet!" He said happily. "Okay, im Earth." "Tell me someting else about yourself." He said. "Well uhm... i have life and my closest friends are Venus and Mars.." I answered. "Cuold you be my friend too since i am new here and dont have friends yet.?" He requested. "Uhm... sure?" He only responded with a creepy smile in return.

(Uranus Pov)

"Shuold i go see Neptune.?" I asked myself. "Eh, why not." I started heading to the kuiper belt to find Neptune as i see some orange planet go across. "Who was that.? I asked myself again, confused. I looked back to the way i was heading to see Neptune facing the other way. "Mate, you good?" I shouted to Neptune as he turned around with blood all over his other eye. "Bloody hell, what happened to you!?" Neptune just stood there in silence for a while. "I-Iris.." He mumbled "who is that?" I asked him. "O-oran..ge" I stopped to think for a bit. "Wait the guy that just flew past me..?" I whispered to myself "E-Earthh.." He mumbled again. "What about Earth?" I asked. Iris h-hurrt him!" He yelled out. "Iris is gonna do this to Earth aswell.?" Neptune nodded.

(Mars Pov)

"What do you think Earth is doing?" I asked. "Why do you think i know?" Venus replied. "I mean im not saying i think you know but-" I was explaining until Venus cut me off. "i know, i know youre worried about him like always." He interrupted. "Well yeah but i just feel like someting happened to him.." I said. "So you wanna go check on him?" Uhh.. yeah."

(Timeskip to when they got to Earth)

"There he is." Venus said to me. "Earth.?" Earth had no response, he stayed perfectly still. When we got closer to Earth he eventually turned around to us, black liquid streaming down his face. "EARTH WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?" i yelled out as Venus went closer. He looked traumatized, shaking, not saying a word."

Alright, This chapter shall be ending here. Bye for now!
Word count: 372
(I changed this chapter a bit.)

GHE au (Earth and Iris mostly?)Where stories live. Discover now