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Thank you lin_kl13 for the comment, honestly im doing exactly what you said in the comment. Even if im not exactly sure how-
Anygays onto the story now!

(Nobodys Pov)

The planets had figured that Iris usually only attacks when someone is alone, so they decided to leave either Earth or Neptune alone and go to them if Iris appears. This might have been risky but Neptune volunteered to be the one left alone. They started action, Neptune was left alone and the others hid in the astroid belt or further back. Iris had seen Neptune but he wasnt dumb, he knew this was some kind of plan of theirs but he went to Neptune anyway. "Where are all your little friends at?" Was the first thing Iris asked as he came to view. "Right over there." Neptune looked over to them as they were coming out of hiding. "I knew they cuoldnt have been too far... Earth! How are you doing, darling?" Iris asked but got no answer. "You know it hurts my feelings when you ignore me, dear..." Iris said and Earth stayed unresponsive. "Ignore me all you want then, just know youll be punished for it." Iris threatened. "Well tell us this, what does your mutation do?" Jupiter asked Iris. "Didnt Neptune tell you all that already? It simply mutates things!" Iris said happily. "We know it mutates things, but what does it do to who it mutates!?" Uranus asked loudly. "I suppose you want to know what it does to planets, since you shuold know what is does to earthlings. Well right now, nothing much... but later on when the mutation is taken up a noch? Im afraid i cant spoil you that!" Iris explained. "How do you know what it does to earthlings though.?" Earth asked Iris. "Earth, oh Earth... did you think this is the only solar system ive been to? Ive seen a few of planets with life before. Youre not as special as you might think, honey!" Earth had kind of expected that to be the answer. He had accepted the fact that other planets or moons cuold sustain life and that it didnt make him special. Even if he knew that, it still made him feel more insecure than he already was. "Anything else youd like to ask me.?" Iris asked them creepily. "Why cant you just tell us what it does?" Uranus asked. "Because i want to see your faces when you find out, Its a want of entertaintment!" Iris answered happily.
(Did i even spell that right?)
"Thats seriously what you find entertaining? Watching people suffer is what you like to do?" Venus asked Iris angrily.
(Did i spell that right either.?)
"It is, now any other questions before i may leave?" Iris asked. The planets looked around at eachother making sure no one had anymore questions and then answered. "No, you may leave." Jupiter said to Iris. "See you later then!" Iris yelled out and left. "See you never, hopefully.." Neptune mumbled.


Woohoo! I dont know what
to say.
Word count: 515

GHE au (Earth and Iris mostly?)Where stories live. Discover now