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This is gonna be so baaadd🥲

(Earth Pov)

We all just stayed in silence for a while until Mars asked me "What do you mean third eye.?" "A third eye appeared in like... the middle of his face." I answered and we again went back to silence. "Did he attack you after that?" Jupiter asked. "I- yes.." I hesitantly answered Jupiters question. "I think i fainted not long after he attacked me but im not sure." I added to the answer. "Do you remember how he attacked you?" Jupiter asked me a question again. "No.." I answered not actually wanting to remember.

(Guess what?)
(Timeskip to a few days later)

Jupiter had mentioned to
Me that Neptune got
attacked by this Iris aswell, I asked Jupiter to tell Neptune that i wanted to talk to him so i am now waiting at the astroid belt for Neptune to get here. "Oh, youre here!" I said as i saw Neptune coming. "You wanna talk about Iris right?" He asked without any sort of greeting. "Uhm yes, since i heard he attacked you too." I answered him kind of nervous. "Well there isnt much to say about him but hes evil, i can tell you that." He was oddly serious, even if ive barely ever talked to him, i knew he was usually like the silly type of planet. "Do you remember what he did to you?" I asked him and he looked like he got confused. "Yeah, do you not?" He asked me in return. "I do remember something but not the whole thing, no." I responded to him. "Hello~" I heard someone behind me but before i cuold turn around and see who it was, Neptune summoned his trident and pulled me behind him. "Iris..?" I mumbled behind Neptune, looking at the orange planet. "Yes Earth, Its me. Your friend!" He said looking straight at me. "He isnt your friend Iris and
he never will be." Neptune told to him, Iris now looking at him instead. "Awh... thats a bit mean, dont you think.?" Iris asked Neptune, annoyed at his words. "Even if i thought so, i wuold not care since we are talking about you.." Neptune anwered, clearly done with Iris. "Oh you really are mean Neptune, am i the only one you treat like this?" Iris asked him again. "Yes, you are actually!" This annoyed Iris even more, resulting in him deciding to leave us alone for now.
"Fine, ill play with you later on Earth!" With that being said he had left.

And boom!
Chapter over, see you in the next one💥

(Sorry its short again🙃)

GHE au (Earth and Iris mostly?)Where stories live. Discover now