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Hello, now read the chapter.

(Nobodys Pov)

Jupiter told Venus, Mars and Luna to go and try finding Earth while he told the others but as soon as Neptune heard the news, he knew where to go. Uranus didnt want to let Neptune go alone so he went with. (I dont know how they are gonna get to some random black void but bear with me here, alright-) As the two ice giants got to the black void they saw Iris and Earth, that was probably a agood thing but they werent too happy about it. Earth was bleeding heavily and was barely even awake as Iris was pulling him by his hair and proceeding to do his experiments on Earth. Uranus and Neptune made their way to Earth and Iris quietly in an attempt to get behind Iris without him noticing, this attempt actually succeeded as Neptune summoned his trident and stabbed Iris in the back with it. Iris let go of Earths hair and Earth fell to the ground. "Y-yuore gonna pay f-for this.." Iris muttered before vanishing into thin air. Uranus ran to Earth pulling his face up from the ground, he had passed out by now. Uranus picked Earth up and Neptune put away his trident which had Iris' blood on it. They started making their way back to the solar system. Everyone was waiting for the two to come back with Earth.

(Timeskip to when Uranus and Neptune got back :b)

Everyone had quite mixed feelings as they saw Uranus carrying Earth and Neptune walking beside him. They were happy the two found Earth but upset and worried about Earths state as he was still bleeding. Luna ran crying to Uranus to see Earth, everyone else stayed where they were. "Lets get Earth to his orbit." Jupiter said to Uranus. "Yeah." Uranus responded looking down at Earth, who was bleeding in his arms. They all went the same direction and all ended up in Earths orbit. Uranus put Earth down as Luna rushed to get bandages, Uranus sat down infront of Earth worriedly glancing at him, as for the others Saturn was crying on Jupiter, Neptune seemed angry but deep in thought, and the three rocky planets were all just looking at Earth. Mars had almost started crying, just staring at Earth while he was like this, he cuoldnt bare the sight. Luna came back with the bandages and gave them to Uranus, then with those bandages Uranus of course bandaged Earth up while also holding holding back his tears.

Well that is where chapter 9 wuold be ending folks!
Word count: 447
Bai baii🤭

GHE au (Earth and Iris mostly?)Where stories live. Discover now